Why Partner With GoFleet
Partnering with GoFleet allows you to expand your offerings to better understand and help your customers. With our expertise, you can receive help in reaching your company’s goals to improve fleet processes for any business who comes to you for assistance. Our Partner Program leverages our premier solutions and industry insight to drive freight management success.
Customized training and support
Receive in-depth training to ensure you can maximize our solutions and have access to our support team.
API integrations
Use GoFleet integrations and build into your business to help you save time, money and improve efforts.
Dedicated partner/sales resources and marketing materials
Have access to utilize and leverage GoFleet marketing materials and resources like presentations, brochures and product demonstrations.
Partnership features
Have access to a close community of like-minded businesses who want to better help fleets manage operations.
Aligning Values
With access to our partner pricing and extensive industry knowledge, your team can leverage GoFleet to be even more successful. By joining together, we are confident that you will be able to offer all of your fleet-based businesses the best solutions to see measurable results.
Driving revenue & customer acquisition
When our partners are succeeding, we are succeeding. Meaning we want to help you do the best you can with our solutions.
Discovering healthy margins and commissions
To ensure our partners are happy and profitable, we offer attractive commissions and compensation opportunities.
Increasing profitability
We work with you to ensure you are always profitable - sometimes that means providing additional training, product demonstrations or marketing materials.
Strategies to expand into new opportunities
Attend one-on-one training, webinar and workshop sessions to ensure you are aware of new strategies you can implement, new features and more to continue to help your customers.
Driving businesses to embrace data connectivity and the cloud
See the benefits of leveraging IoT and innovative systems that automatically link to the cloud to maximize data collection, communication, safety and security.