Two of the biggest reasons many company’s come to us looking for a GPS tracking solution, is to increase safety & lower fuel costs, both of which can be greatly impacted through driver coaching. While other GPS tracking companies provide safety reports (which we also provide on top of the driver coaching feature), these reports do not offer the real-time correction capabilities of driver coaching.
What is Driver Coaching
GPS tracking systems have come a long way since being used to simply track your vehicles whereabouts. With the capabilities now available there are many different ways you can get a ROI while increasing the safety of your drivers and those they share the road with; driver coaching (also known as audible alerts) is something you definitely want to look for in a GPS solution.
Driver coaching provides alerts that occur inside the vehicle when drivers are driving in a way that wastes excessive fuel or puts them at risk. These alerts are commonly used for speeding, hard braking or accelerating, harsh cornering and excessive idling. The driver coaching alerts usually work as a beeping function inside the vehicle in real-time so your drivers can correct the inappropriate behaviour immediately. One of the best elements of the driver coaching feature is the ability to customize. You can set specific parameters that best suit your company and focus on the things your drivers need to improve on:
Our driver coaching not only helps improve safety, it also helps improve productivity:
We have also recently introduced GOTALK, a new product that takes driver coaching to a whole new level. It allows you to program specific alerts that instead of beeping, actually speak to your drivers. For example, if a driver is speeding, you can program your GOTALK device to say “slow down” to your drivers in real-time.
What are Safety Reports?
Safety reports, or a Driver Scorecard Report as we refer to ours, is an easy to read report showcasing the incidents of each driver. It’s also a useful tool because it allows you to compare your drivers in one place and see their main problem. Unfortunately, it does not offer the ability to correct poor driving habits in real-time. Check out this sample report below:
As you can see from this example above, it is clear the main issue for this fleet is speeding. These reports can be great to sit down with your drivers and discuss any issues at hand. You can also use these reports to offer an incentive to your drivers. For example, this fleet clearly has a speeding problem which is not only putting the lives of themselves and others in danger, it is also wasting the fuel you pay for. Try offering your employees an extra vacation day or a gift card incentive to the person with the lowest number of speeding incidents each quarter; you would be surprised how well a little friendly competition may work in your favour.
Overall, both of these elements can be utilized for running a safer and more efficient fleet. Driver coaching helps to remind your drivers in real-time to correct behaviour without having to wait for a report to be created and review with the drivers. The safety reports give you an overview of your entire fleet all in one place, allowing you to see if any specific driver is being very unsafe or if your fleet as a whole needs to work towards safer practices.
To learn more about Driver Coaching and GOTALK, check out the video below.
GoFleet provides powerful plug and play GPS fleet management solutions that are not only easy to get started with but easy to expand and change as your business evolves in the future.
With our plug and play installation and expandability capabilities the options to grow and enhance your business are limitless. Check out the video below for full details:
Preview the latest updates to Geotab’s software applications and firmware. To verify whether changes have been updated in your system, go to Administration > About and check the build number, which indicates the month of release, e.g. release/2016-01.
Subscribe now to receive regular updates on Geotab’s features and improvements.
In this Edition:
Click on the heading to jump to the section.
Reporting Enhancements
+ View Unmatched Fuel Transactions in the Fill-ups Report
Map & Vehicle Enhancements
+ View Lock Option on Live Map
+ Additional Map Types Available
+ Pin Device Toggle Renamed
HOS/DVIR Enhancements (MyGeotab & Geotab Drive)
+ Vehicle/Trailer Confirmation on Login
+ DVIR Defect List Templates
+ Duty Status Logs Comments in Advanced Report
+ Duty Status Log Origins
+ Multiple DOT Carrier Support
+ Automatic Log Verification on Logout
+ Status Change on Logout
SDK Additions
+ New Driver Feedback Recipient Types
+ Third-party Data Access
Driver Feedback Changes
+ Late Notifications Option
View Unmatched Fuel Transactions in the Fill-ups Report
Imported fuel transactions not matched to a vehicle can now be viewed in the Fill-ups report as a display option. Unmatched transactions will be listed under “Unknown Vehicle.” This is useful when importing fuel card transactions into MyGeotab.
Figure 1: Unmatched transaction toggle in the Fill-Ups report.
Figure 2: Display of unmatched fuel transaction in MyGeotab.
A Lock this view option has been added to the Live Map. Once locked, the screen will stay on a specific view, even when the map refreshes, instead of following the moving vehicles. This new option is beneficial for fleet managers who need to monitor activities in a specific area on the map, such as a work yard.
To enable this option, click Map, then Views, and Lock this view.
Figure 3: Lock view on live map.
Additional Map Types Available
In MyGeotab, all users have access to Google and OpenStreetMap based maps. OpenStreetMap is maintained by communities all over the world and updated frequently. Users can now select from additional default map types, including HERE Maps and Custom map tiles, which can be selected from Administration > System… > System Settings, under the Maps tab.
Figure 4: Additional map types in MyGeotab.
Pin Device Toggle Renamed
The Pin device toggle on the Vehicle Edit > More Details page, has been renamed to Disable automatic vehicle management for clarification. Clicking the help button displays a detailed description of the option (as shown below).
Hours of Service / Driver Vehicle Inspection Report
To align with the new FMCSA regulations, Geotab has made several changes to HOS/DVIR in MyGeotab and the Geotab Drive app. Please note: Version 3.1.22 for Geotab Drive has been released and is available in the Google Play Store. Updated features in Geotab Drive 3.1.22 include:
Improved login/logout process
Mark HOS logs as automatic or manual
Multiple DOT Carrier Support available
Bug fixes
Vehicle/Trailer Confirmation on Login
Upon login, Geotab Drive will ask the driver to select and confirm the vehicle and attached trailer in use, before going to the Dashboard screen.
DVIR Defect List Templates
Setting up a Defect List in MyGeotab is now easier thanks to templates! Customers can use the templates as a starting point and then add or delete defaults to suit their needs. Note: The Default Trailer and Default Vehicle templates are compliant with U.S. DVIR regulations and Schedule 1, 2, and 3 are compliant with Canadian DVIR requirements.
To add a template, go to the Defect Lists page (Engine & Maintenance > DVIR, click the Defects button), open the Add drop down menu, select the desired template, modify the defects if applicable, then click Save.
Figure 6: Defect List templates.
Duty Status Logs Comments in Advanced Report
A Comments column has been added to the Data tab on both the default and advanced Duty Status Logs Excel reports. Accessing annotated notes will make it easier to identify and correct log errors.
Figure 7: Defect List templates.
Duty Status Logs Comments in Advanced Report
A Comments column has been added to the Data tab on both the default and advanced Duty Status Logs Excel reports. Accessing annotated notes will make it easier to identify and correct log errors.
Figure 8: Log Origin in Geotab Drive App.
Figure 9: Log origin is shown on each Duty Status Log in MyGeotab.
Multiple DOT Carrier Support
MyGeotab now supports different DOT numbers for drivers residing within the same database. MyGeotab users can designate the Main office address and Carrier number for each driver in the User Options > Hours of Service Settings.
Figure 10: DOT settings in driver options.
Automatic Log Verification on Logout
When logging out of the Geotab Drive app, all unverified logs will be automatically displayed for verification. The driver has the option to skip the verification; however, the best practice is to verify logs at the end of each shift.
Note: Logs are available for verification for 14 days and after this time they are no longer compliant.
Figure 11: Verification upon logout now automatic.
Status Change on Logout
Geotab Drive now allows drivers to choose a duty status before logging out. Previously, the app would automatically set the status to Off Duty when logging out. Status options include: Off Duty, On Duty, or Sleeper Berth.
Notifications for server side rules can now be sent to drivers even if the exception has passed. This is relevant in situations where connectivity is poor, or if the device is not on the ProPlus plan. For more information on this update, please read this post.[Post Don’t Delay blog post first and then link back to it]
To enable late notifications, go to Exception Rule Edit > Notifications > Add Driver Feedback, click On and select a feedback option.
Figure 13: Late Notification option for driver feedback.
Software Advice recently published a report addressing the main concerns companies have when looking to purchase and implement a new CMMS system. Our integration partner Maintenance Assistant CMMS (MA CMMS) has also written blogs and an eBook about this topic, but let’s look at some of Software Advice’s findings as well.
“When a company decides to implement new software, there are a bevy of aspects to consider, even before choosing a system—and rushing the process can lead to bad results and a wasted investment. Typically, maintenance managers must first prove the value of a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) to executives and get the greenlight to purchase one. Then the company decides what assets to enter, which employees to assign as users, how to migrate maintenance data from previous storage methods and how to train users on the software.”
– Software Advice
Our friends over at MA CMMS have put together a brief summary of their key findings, but we recommend you also take a look at the full case study for more detailed information.
Justifying CMMS Value
There’s a lot of information you need to determine before beginning your CMMS search. Your company should find out what types of functionality it requires the most, determine the budget and what you can expect in terms of your return on investment. These are just a few of many criteria that should be considered before you set out to find the CMMS that’s the best fit for your company.
Clean Data is Critical
As we all know, when it comes to entering data, ‘garbage in, means garbage out’. When you’re setting up your CMMS it’s critical that the information you’re inputting is organized and clean otherwise you’ll never be able to use your CMMS to it’s full potential. Whether you’re migrating data from an old CMMS system or inputting data right from scratch, it’s important to take your time on this step of your CMMS implementation. Having a dedicated person or team responsible for learning the CMMS system, setting up the correct process and for inputting data is one of the best ways to make sure that your CMMS is set up for success.
Leverage Vendor Training and Support
A CMMS system is only as good as your knowledge of how to use it. Getting set up is only half the battle. The best in class CMMS providers will have a host of training services available to you so that once your CMMS is set up you can make sure your team knows what they’re doing and how to make the most of the new software.
For more information on successful CMMS implementation be sure to check out the full article by Software Advice. Or learn more about the CMMS implementation services offered by our customer support team at GoFleet.
Original Article by: Meredith Pickering, Marketing Specialist at Maintenance Assistant CMMS
As the end user of a GO7 device, perhaps you have wondered what steps it took to get the device in your hands and into your vehicle. As you can imagine, your device went through a complex process involving tests, certification and compliance, before being accepted for use. The exact test and certification process depends on your carrier and location but generally follows the following procedure.
Pre-certification Tests
Before certifying the GO7, Geotab carried out a series of exhaustive tests to check for compliance. These tests include the following:
Automotive electromagnetic compliance tests as per the specifications of the relevant international associations, SAE and CISPR(International Special Committee on Radio Interference) including:
Inductive switching
Starter motor engagement
Burst transients
Electrostatic discharge
Electrical fast transient burst
Radiated immunity
Radiated emissions
Conducted emissions
Environmental tests:
Operation and functioning (-40℃ to +85℃)
Thermal shock
Operational shock
Mechanical vibration
Radio frequency tests:
Conducted and OTA (over-the-air) pre-tests to ensure that the RF performance meets specified limits
Mechanical Vibration Test
Radiated Emissions Test
Sample Submission
Samples are required to be submitted to carrier-approved labs or carrier labs for test and certification. In some cases, the labs would need firmware to be modified to an engineering version, which gives control over the device. In other circumstances, samples might need the internal antenna to be removed and replaced with radio frequency compatible cables and connectors.
Certification in the U.S
The requirements for any region can be broadly divided into those enforced by government agencies, industry agencies and carriers. U.S. certification requirements for the GO7 are summarized below – the tests are applicable mainly to 2G and 3G devices. For CDMA devices, which do not need PTCRB (certification body in North America) approval, a subset of the tests is used – FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Part 15B, RF performance and carrier certification. Other regions follow a similar process and have requirements of their own governmental agencies. For example, Industry Canada and CE (Europe).
Government Requirements
In the U.S., the FCC has requirements that the GO7 must comply with. Part 15B is mandatory for all GO7 versions, while Parts 2, 22H, and 24E are applicable only to GO7 2G and 3G versions.
FCC certification (Part 15B) tests for unintentional radiators.
FCC certification (Parts 2, 22H, 24E) tests for the following:
Conducted power
Peak-to-average ratio of RF transmission
Effective radiated power/Effective isotropic radiated power
Band-edge measurements
Bandwidth measurements
Conducted spurious emissions
Frequency stability
Field strength of spurious radiations
Industry Requirements
PTCRB was set up by the cellular industry to ensure compliance to carrier standards. Most carriers require PTCRB certification, with the exception of those using CDMA technology. PTCRB certification entails the following tests:
Conformance tests to 2G and 3G technology (including idle mode, radiated spurious emissions-intentional, receiver flatness, SIM tests)
Specific absorption ratio (human exposure to RF radiation)
Radio frequency performance:
Total radiated power (TRP): a measure of the RF power transmitted
Total isotropic sensitivity (TIS): a measure of sensitivity to received RF signals
Pass/fail RF criteria of the carrier must be met where specified.
Carrier Requirements
Most carriers perform additional tests to ensure that the device works seamlessly with their network. In some cases, this might require firmware changes and re-testing until the carrier’s requirements are met.
The rigorous test methodology ensures that the GO7 device you use is of the highest level of quality and reliability. The GO7 is currently certified for use with major carriers such as Sprint, Verizon, Rogers, Telus, and Telefonica, while certifications in Singapore and Australia are ongoing.
Original Article By: Deepak Sharma, Senior Hardware Engineer at Geotab
Do you ever stop and think that some of your drivers are padding their hours? If you do, you could be right. According to the American Payroll Association, the average employee steals 4 hours every week!
Get Rid of Paper Timecards
Still using paper timecards? This takes up extra time for both drivers and your accounting department, as well as runs the risk of being inaccurate. Companies that lack automated timecards have up to an 8% error rate, according to the APA.
One of the biggest downfalls to paper timesheets are that not only do they allow for human error but they are very easy to fake (making it easy to commit time theft). Employees could be arriving on the job 15 minutes late or leaving 15 minutes early everyday yet writing down otherwise. 10 to 15 minutes added from time to time may not seem like much, but it adds up. Let’s say an employee adds on 12 minutes each day to his or her timesheet. If this employee is paid $14.00 an hour working 5 days a week that adds up to a $672.00 per year loss. Now imagine multiple employees doing this and/or some of those hours being paid out as working overtime.
If you allow your drivers to take your company vehicles home, you probably catch yourself wondering if they use them for personal activities or even worse, side jobs. Not only could they be wasting the gas you pay for, they could be using your business name to make money on the side.
If you have a smaller fleet, it’s likely you don’t have a dedicated fleet manager making it especially hard to keep an eye on everything going on while your drivers are out on the road.
Increase employee productivity
Fortunately, for smaller fleet administrators that take on multiple roles, our fleet management technology can help. Our solution will not only eliminate time card discrepancies and the need for paper time cards, it has also proven to increase employee productivity by 15% and reduce fuel costs by 18%.
Time theft is often overlooked because many companies do not have any technology in place to monitor whether employees arrive on the job site the time they are supposed to; they are also missing out on the ability to track hours and verify employees work the hours they claim they do.
With GoFleet’s solution, you will be able to verify employee hours, ensure they are arriving to work or job sites on time and give accurate arrival estimates to your customers. This will increase the productivity of your workers, save you money, and keep your customers happy and coming back to you for more business in the future.
The sooner you become aware of unnecessary business expenses, time theft and
unproductive workers, the closer you are to increasing your bottom line.
Let our team help you save money, increase productivity and keep your customers happy.
There will always be a part of the population that wants to “fly under the radar” and attempt to conquer GPS tracking devices with GPS jammers. GoFleet and Geotab are dedicated to maintaining a stable and robust system and will continue to make GO GPS devices as tamper-proof as possible.
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission defines jammers as “illegal radio frequency transmitters that are designed to block, jam, or otherwise interfere with authorized radio communications.”
A GPS jammer is used by a person in a vehicle being tracked trying to hide his or her position to try and remain undetected. The jammer can be set to operate continuously or can be turned on and off, so a specific part of a trip is not tracked.
Harsh Penalties for Jammers
Canadian and U.S. law both prohibit jamming devices. Sections 4, 9 and 10 of the Canadian Radiocommunications Act prohibit the manufacturing, importation, distribution, offering for sale, sale, possession and use of radiocommunication jamming devices in Canada. In the U.S., the federal Communications Act of 1934 outlaws the sale, marketing, or use of a jammer. There are harsh penalties related to the use of jammers in both countries, including fines (up to $112,500 in the U.S.), seizure of equipment, and even imprisonment (in the U.S.).
Where in the World Am I? How a GPS System Works
To understand how a jammer functions, we must first understand how the global positioning system (GPS) works. A GPS tracker receives microwave signals from an array of satellite transmitters orbiting the Earth at an altitude of approximately 20,200 km. Once the tracker receives signals from four or more satellites, it determines its position through a series of time calculations and trilateration.
The receiver depends on these specific and precise satellite signals to determine where it is located in the world. The GPS tracking device then transmits this position and velocity information to a monitoring location. Normally, this data is communicated over a cellular network.
Figure 1: GPS satellite broadcasting signals.
In some cases, satellite malfunction or solar flares can temporarily disrupt the transmission of GPS signals. A GPS jammer sends out radio signals or signal noise with the same frequency as the GPS device, to distort or override the GPS satellite signals. The GPS device can then no longer calculate its position because the satellite signal is masked by the interference.
What is a GPS Jamming Device?
A GPS jamming device or GPS jammer is typically a small, self-contained, transmitter that generates a 1575.42 Mhz interference signal over a 5 – 10 meter radius.
Usually, the user will plug the jammer into a cigarette lighter and place the unit close enough to a GPS tracker to disrupt the GPS satellite signal. Once powered up, they become fully operational in less than 20 seconds. The relatively low power and quick start up time allow the jammers to be used only when required. Criminals will switch them off as soon as possible to avoid detection. These jammers can be purchased on the Internet for pretty cheap (less than $100).
It must be noted that the use of jammers is not only unethical but is also illegal and potentially dangerous. In one case, a New Jersey driver used a jamming device to disable a tracking device in his work truck. He was working on a job at Newark Liberty International Airport when his jamming signal interrupted air traffic control information. An FCC investigator was able to locate the jammer using radio monitoring equipment and prove that it was causing interference. The offending driver, Gary Bojczak was charged and fined $31,875.20.
How GoFleet and Geotab Detect and Eliminate GPS Jamming Threats
Fortunately, the negative effects and usefulness of jammers are minimized with our devices.
MyGeotab picks up GPS signal disruption. When a GPS signal is not received, the Trip History map will show a missing or interrupted trip — clearly calling attention to an issue.
If GPS jamming happens mid-trip, a straight line will be displayed from when the jamming starts to the point where the jamming device is turned off. Anyone monitoring the vehicle will quickly see this and can investigate the cause of the missing trip information.
Figure 2: A straight line in MyGeotab indicates GPS disruption.
More immediate jammer detection is also available. The GPS module in our GO6 and GO7 devices have a jamming detection function that will trigger our device to report a debug log. This can be found in the log details of MyGeotab, appearing as: GpsJammingDetected.
For simplified monitoring of jamming and other GPS issues, an exception rule can be created in MyGeotab. This rule will generate an exception report and can trigger an alert or email for the event.
It is important to note that a GPS jammer disrupts GPS receiver functionality but all other functions are unaffected. The Geotab GO device will continue to gather and send information such as engine data, error codes, and auxiliaries, etc.
Original Article By: Vincent Scime, RMA Manager at Geotab
An ambulance drives through traffic, siren sounding and lights flashing. The dispatcher is on the line, collecting vital information, while monitoring the status of the ambulance at the same time. What if that dispatcher could follow the live movement of the ambulance as it drives along the road, knowing it was safely and quickly arriving at the scene?
What is Active Tracking and how does it benefit emergency vehicles?
Play the video to see it in action.
Paramedic Services, Fire Departments, and Police are all under pressure from the public to reduce response times, while protecting the safety of pedestrians and drivers on the road. Technology plays an important role in this effort.
Ideally suited for first responders, delivery and taxi fleets, and any industry in which knowing the precise vehicle position is critical, EMS GPS tracking system allows customers to view their vehicles in near real-time. For example, an ambulance dispatcher can watch the vehicle’s progress and reassure a caller that the ambulance has just turned off the highway onto their street. Another fleet dispatcher could closely monitor vehicle activity and see, at a glance, if a driver is driving too fast.
Using Active Tracking is very much like watching your fleet vehicles from a traffic helicopter.
Watch live as the vehicle slows down for traffic, accelerates, stops at the side of the road, or speeds down a winding road.
How It Works
Active Tracking is made possible with increased data logging frequency and animation in MyGeotab. The animation feature displays estimates of the real-time location of the vehicle onto the live map. Users are able to watch a simulated icon of the vehicle as it is moving. This new feature provides fleet managers and dispatchers with a very accurate representation of where a vehicle enabled with this technology is located at any given time.
When Active Tracking is enabled, smart technology is used to request data from the Geotab GO Device at varying frequency intervals. Then, the data is relayed to servers for processing and the position of the vehicle is reflected on to the live map. When the triangle icon is shown, this means the vehicle is in motion. As the vehicle slows down or speeds up, that change is also reflected in the movement of the icon on the map.
Previously, data was spooled into a buffer and then uploaded when the buffer was full. With this concept, some data could have been uploaded quite fast if the buffer was filled quickly. On the other hand, if there was less overall data coming in, it took the buffer longer to get filled and therefore the data would be received much slower.
To explain the data spooling and buffer concept, we can compare it to a filling a gooseneck jug with water using a cup versus using a funnel. If you were to use the cup to start filling the jug, you would have to wait until each cup was filled, then take the cup and carefully pour the water into the jug. This process would be extremely slow. Alternatively, if you inserted a funnel into the gooseneck of the jug, and poured the water directly into it, the jug would be filled pretty quickly. There would be much less of a delay using the funnel. Active Tracking is comparable to the “funnel method.”
Using patented algorithms, MyGeotab presents that granular location information on an animated map, demonstrating the steady vehicle movement — instead of the jagged jumps that are seen with other telematics solutions. As a result, Geotab’s Active Fleet Tracking solution provides deep, actionable insights that are particularly useful in applications where the exact location of a vehicle for dispatch purposes is essential.
Through the ProPlus Plan, you are able to activate features such as Active Tracking, third-party integrations and other special features. Active Tracking is automatically enabled for users on the ProPlus Plan. Our customers with the Pro Plan can turn on Active Tracking on the MyGeotab Vehicle Edit page (note: enabling this feature moves the device from Pro to ProPlus). Active Tracking is also required for time-sensitive server-based notifications and rules such as posted road speed warnings for the driver using GO TALK live in-vehicle verbal coaching solution.
For more information on Active Tracking or to upgrade your current plan to include Active Tracking, contact our support team.
Original Article By: Owen D’Acres, Customer Support Specialist at Geotab
New updates to Geotab software applications and firmware.
Check your build number to verify whether the changes are reflected in your system by going to Administration/About. The build number shows the month of release, for example: release/2015-12.
Quick View for Individual Vehicle Trips: A new feature makes it possible to quickly view the different trips a vehicle has made on the map. The Trips History displays where a vehicle has been on a particular date. Putting your mouse over any trip in the left-side trip list will now highlight the corresponding trip on the map.
Note: A trip begins when the vehicle starts moving and ends when the vehicle starts moving again after a stop. Any idling is associated with the previous trip.
Figure 1: Mouse over a trip to view the corresponding route on the map.
Nearest Vehicle Toggle On/Off Added: Toggle action has been added to the Nearest map view option. In a map, left-clicking on a road, then selecting Nearest will show the nearest vehicles to that location in a tooltip.
When the button is toggled on, the tooltips and vehicle are shown. When toggled off, the vehicle remains visible on the map but the tooltip is hidden. The toggle prevents having to clear the map, which will be a time-saver for managers of large fleets.
One-Click Dispatching from Live Map: Dispatching has been simplified! MyGeotab users can now dispatch vehicles directly from the live map. Left-click on the map at a particular address, then click Dispatch vehicle here to send a dispatch text message to a driver using the Geotab Drive app or a Garmin device.
Figure 2: Send dispatch messages to drivers with a single click on the live map.
Google Street View Trip Replay: Enrich your knowledge of trips with Google Street View. See for yourself the routes your drivers are taking. Replay a trip through Google Street View using the Trips Street View Add-In — featuring pause, rewind, and skip ahead options. Once added into your database, you can view it under the Activity link. Go to the MyGeotab SDK Add-In examples page to download and extract the Trips Street View Add-In. *For more info on Geotab’s Software Development Kit, read this quick overview: Learning the MyGeotab SDK.
Figure 3: Experience a panoramic view of a driver’s route with Trips Street View.
Reporting Enhancements
Geotab is always looking for ways to make it easier to examine and manage your data for fleet optimization. Recently, the following enhancements were made for MyGeotab reporting.
Fill-ups: You can now download, customize, create dashboards, and schedule Microsoft Excel reports for fuel fill-ups. New colored icons in the Fill-ups report show potential discrepancies, such as a fill-up being larger than the known tank size, mismatched locations, etc.
Note: This feature is in beta. These are just approximations.
Figure 4: Fuel discrepancy icons.
Figure 5: Fuel discrepancy details.
Figure 6: Fuel tank capacity estimates.
Start Day Option for Reports & Dashboards: To harmonize viewing and reporting, MyGeotab users can now set their preference for their week start day. To configure a user’s preference, go to Administration > User, select the user, then click Options. At the Weeks starts on drop-down menu, select either Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. The chosen first day of the week is reflected in reports and dashboards.
Figure 7: Week start day drop-down menu.
Time Card Report: MyGeotab users can schedule Time Card Dashboard or email reports to run for device work hours. To enable this option, go to Administration > Reports > Report views and select the Built-in Time Card report. In the Dashboard or Email tab under Additional Report Options, click.
Figure 8: Work hour selection in Dashboard/Email report.
Some formatting adjustments were made to German and Japanese text.
Minor User Interface enhancements
Access and manage your groups more quickly with a revision to the way hierarchies are presented. For groups with large numbers of sub-groups, users can now expand and collapse those subsets.
Ability to edit dashboards now tied to “Change your own user options” feature setting in Security Clearances. Previously, In order to edit your own dashboard (Rearrange reports, add or remove remove reports) you need to have the clearance “Administer Users/Drivers” enable. Now users with the View Only clearance can edit their own dashboard.
Figure 9: Expand and collapse sub-groups.
Firmware Notes
Geotab releases new firmware on a quarterly basis. For the complete list of updates, please visit the Release Notes page.
The ELD Final Rule has finally been released by the FMCSA.
On December 10th, 2015, the FMCSA announced the new ELD mandate. It is expected to save 26 lives, prevent 562 injuries, avoid 1,844 crashes, and result in savings of over $1 billion dollars in paperwork on an annual basis.
It’s also estimated that nationwide about 3 million drivers will be affected by this new legislation.
You can check out the full release from the FMCSA here.
ELD Solutions Already Available
Geotab Drive, our comprehensive ELD solution, is already available in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. The application connects to the GPS GO device in order to provide an automated process for creating accurate records of the drivers time spent in each duty status. The system is very user-friendly and allows drivers to spend more time completing their daily tasks by simplifying the annoyance of always documenting their time. Through this automated process, fleets are finding as much as en extra hour a day! That directly translates into added productivity.
Geotab Drive is BYOD
One of the core features that make Geotab Drive stand out from it’s competitors is that it’s a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) solution.
Support off-the-shelf iOS and Android tablets
Plug-and-play, easy installation (no roof mounted antennas necessary)
Flexible open platform for adding and removing rulesets in case regulations change
Create driver applications using Geotab’s open APIs and SDK
One device runs all the driver’s favourite driver applications
Over-the-air firmware and software updates
Geotab Drive Benefits
US Federal FMCSA 395.15 compliant
Track regulated driver’s time spent in each duty status
Automatic duty status changes: Driving to On Duty; On Duty to Driving
Alerts for drivers not logged in
Violation alerts
16 hour day support
Co-Driver support
Platform for dispatch application support
Platform for future rule support
Adverse weather condition support
Visibility in MyGeotab reporting of driver logs, violations, and remaining hours
The ELD Final Rule is not going to be pushed back any longer, so why not start using an electronic logging device (ELD) now? You are going to have to in the near future, and it will save you both time and money over using paper logs.
Speak with a specialized fleet consultant today to find out whether the ELD Final Rule affects you.