Extended Functionality with Geotab SDK

GPS fleet management solutions vary from one company to the next and no two are the same, just like no two company’s fleet management needs are the same.

Implementing telematics for your business growth means staying focused on your 5 year business plan and tapping into the potential of the rich data that is available, in addition to extending the information to help make measured management decisions. By setting milestones, you will be able you to achieve a long term vision for growth. The future of telematics is connecting data with business processes and operations.

GoFleet does not simply offer an out of the box GPS telematics platform, we take full advantage of the Geotab API & SDK to work with companies to extend functionality and provide the utmost value to our clients. Working closely with our partner, ZenduIT, we provide anything from dispatch solutions, Truckmate integration and maintenance management, to completely custom solutions created for your business.

What exactly is the Geotab SDK?

A Software Development Kit (SDK) is a set of software development tools allowing for the creation of applications. Essentially, it’s a platform that helps people further extend the functionality of MyGeotab. The SDK contains many Application Program Interfaces (APIs); the APIs are used to communicate with the raw data seen in the MyGeotab application such as Devices, GPS data, Trips, Engine Data, and so much more. They provide you with the extended ability to add, update and remove data from the system using different sources other than the MyGeotab application and are securely exposed via HTTPS (the web standard that is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web). By using this web standard it means the SDK can be utilized through a large variety of systems.

Learn More about the Geotab SDK

If you have a custom solution request, feel free to contact one of our fleet consultants to discuss it; if we do not already have what you are looking for, our partners at ZenduIT are always looking to take on new challenges and they would be happy to assist.

Duty of Care for Fleet Managers

Innovation is changing the entire transportation industry. Uber has disrupted the way we move in a city. Google and some OEMs are actively developing autonomous vehicles that will take us from one place to another without human interaction. Amazon has patented an algorithm that predicts which products are going to be requested, so delivery vans can carry them to their destination before the order is even placed. Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications and other Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are being designed for the exchange of safety critical information in real time to avoid collisions.

Transportation is becoming faster, more efficient, safer, and easy to use. One day the roads will be accident-free. But unfortunately, that time has not yet arrived and nowadays companies using vehicles (which is virtually every company) need to protect their most valuable assets — their drivers.

The article below reviews legislation related to duty of care and outlines five specific ways that GoFleet and Geotab help managers keep drivers safe while also complying with the law.

Legislation Governing Drivers At Work

Companies with drivers on the road are conscious of the negative consequences of accidents and try to reduce the related risks. The improvement of driver behavior reduces injuries and saves lives, but also has an impact on company profitability by lowering insurance premiums, vehicle repairs, and tickets. Due to the serious impact of traffic fatalities worldwide, some countries are proactively approving laws to enforce companies to take the right measures. These measures typically limit windshield time, foster vehicle inspections, and enforce compliance with road signals.

In the U.S., Hours of Service (HOS) regulations are issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and govern the working hours of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers. The FMCSA recently released the final rule on electronic logging devices (ELDs) in all commercial trucks, currently under revision by the White House.

In the European Union, Regulation (EC) 561/2006 provides rules for driving time, breaks and rest periods required for drivers of goods (vehicles with more than 3.5 tonnes) or passenger vehicles (more than 8 passenger seats) within the EU.

One of the countries with more advanced initiatives in this field is the UK. Companies with fleets have a duty of care which is regulated by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act of 2007. Employers have a legal obligation towards their workers in minimizing risk. Companies must comply with duty of care obligations to make sure their drivers are safe on the roads; if a driver causes an accident that could have been avoided by certain enforced policies, the company could be prosecuted and subject to possibly unlimited fines.

Managing HOS or Duty of Care Obligations with GPS Fleet Management

There are multiple ways a company can address their duty of care obligations, including risk assessments, disciplinary measures and extra training for drivers. These measures can have a positive effect, but employers who want to bring safety to the highest quotes promote the use of the most-advanced telematics systems. We offer a unique solution designed with safety features at its core and proven results drastically reducing the number of accidents.

Traditional telematics solutions record location, patterns and routes, driving times, and provide a logging system to ensure timetables are met. This was also the starting point for Geotab when the company began 15 years ago in this industry. Continuous effort in innovation and R&D has enabled Geotab and GoFleet to take duty of care compliance to the next level.

Five Reasons to Use GoFleet and Geotab for Duty of Care Compliance:

  1. Mobile App for Monitoring Accurate Driving Times.
    It is not enough to simply measure and report drive times. A fleet management solution should be able to inform your drivers about their hours and alert them when they are about to break driving hours rules. The Geotab Drive app for iOS and Android tablets and phones help drivers take full control of their time and schedule their stops accordingly.Geotab Drive HOS App
    Figure 1. Geotab Drive Mobile App.


  • Advanced Driving Behavior Monitoring.
    The motor insurance industry has demonstrated that there are driving patterns that have a high impact on risk beyond overspeeding and mileage. We help to identify bad driving habits, so they can be directly addressed with the driver before they become a problem.
    a. Harsh acceleration/cornering/braking.
    This indicates a dangerous driving style and usually indicates that the driver is not keeping an appropriate distance away from the vehicle in front. We provide scientific values for triggering those events, taking into account if the vehicle is a car, truck, or van.b. Reversing at the beginning of the trip.
    Safety associations estimate that almost 25% of accidents can be blamed on poor reversing techniques.c. Seatbelt usage.
    The severity of an accident is much higher if drivers fail to wear seatbelts. Although a difficult undertaking, Geotab invests a lot in getting seat belt buckled information from a vast variety of makes to ensure this information is accurate.



  • In-Cab Verbal Coaching.
    Fleet managers can work with their drivers to improve driver behavior by discussing bad habits using the reports from the system. However, using verbal feedback to coach drivers while they’re on the road is even more powerful. The GO TALK accessory can relay predefined and customizable messages when drivers are performing poorly in any of the variables discussed above.



  • Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Proactive Alerts on Engine Faults.
    The status of the vehicle parts, especially brakes, tires, and safety elements, is an important factor in driver safety and compliance. We offer a complete and flexible maintenance system including service reminders and proactive alerts of engine faults and maintenance issues like battery drain, oil level, engine warning light on, coolant temperature, and more.



  • Expandability.
    We now offer a wide variety of solutions from different partners allowing Fleet Managers to add even more safety features to our core solution. For example, the Mobileye collision avoidance system warns drivers of impending collisions, following too close, or unsafe lane changes with audible and visual alerts.


Keep your drivers safe and simplify compliance at the same time; our fleet management software platform has been designed to give full control to customers while keeping the user experience simple and intuitive.

Need more information? Contact one of our fleet consultants today: [email protected].

Original Blog From Geotab, By Ivan Lequerica, European Solutions Engineering Director


Quick Guide: MyGeotab IFTA Management

How does GoFleet and Geotab help with IFTA management? Read this Quick Guide to learn how to set up an IFTA Report in MyGeotab.

What is IFTA?

The International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) is an agreement between 10 Canadian provinces and 48 American states concerning the taxing and reporting of motor fuels used by interjurisdictional carriers operating heavy commercial vehicles.

Under the IFTA, interjurisdictional carriers must report the distance travelled in each jurisdiction and the amount of motor fuel consumed. The carrier reports and pays motor fuel taxes to a single jurisdiction and then the member jurisdictions (states and provinces) handle the sharing of tax revenues.

Using paper records for IFTA opens the door to potential issues such as missing paperwork, late filings, error due to manual entry, overpayments, or audits.

GPS Tracking for IFTA Management

Although designed to be a simpler system, IFTA reporting can be a labor-intensive and time-consuming process for fleet owners and managers – especially those working with large fleets.

IFTA management is made easier for fleets with GPS vehicle tracking, by reporting the GPS location and time in each location for fleet vehicles. Our software saves IFTA management time by removing the manual process of tracking miles by province/state and improving accuracy.

Benefits of IFTA Management with GoFleet and Geotab:

  • Minimizes risk of violations
  • Helps cut down on paperwork
  • Reduces administration costs
  • Improves driver efficiency

Geotab IFTA Report for Location Tracking

The Geotab IFTA report uses the odometer value to determine how far fleet vehicles have driven within the individual taxable provinces or states.

Three Simple Steps to Creating a Geotab IFTA Report:

  1. Log in to MyGeotab.
  2. On the left-hand menu, click Activity, then click IFTA Report.

Click on the Options button to define the date period and then choose your vehicles.

MyGeotab IFTA Report Screen

The Fuel Tax report also allows you to filter the mileage into IFTA and non-IFTA provinces/states (Yukon Territory, Northwest Territory, Nunavut, Hawaii, Alaska, District of Columbia, and Mexico). Look at the Advanced Fuel Tax Report’s “Summary” or “Report” sheets for the “Is IFTA Province/State?” field.

Ensuring IFTA Report Accuracy: How to Correctly Transfer a GO Device Between Vehicles


Incorrectly transferring a telematics device from one vehicle to another can affect the accuracy of the data stored in MyGeotab related to International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) or Fuel Usage reporting.

Given the plug and play design of the GO7, it may be tempting to simply unplug it from the current vehicle and plug it into the new vehicle, but this is not recommended. If you run a report which uses odometer values, like the Fuel Tax report, plugging and unplugging will generate incorrect or negative values for the dates around when the device was moved. This cannot be corrected and it will invalidate the entire report.

For example, the graph below shows what would happen to the odometer value if a device was incorrectly moved from a vehicle with a high odometer value to a vehicle with a lower odometer value.

Odometer discrepancy due to incorrect GO device transfer.

How can you ensure reports remain accurate when you need to move a device into a new vehicle? Simple! Follow the procedure below.

The Correct Way to Transfer a GO Device Between Vehicles


  1. First, unplug the GO device from the old vehicle. Then, in your MyGeotab database, go to the Vehicles section and select the old vehicle from which you just unplugged the GO device; you’ll see the Vehicle Edit page. Click the More details button.
  2. Copy the GO device serial number to your clipboard. This will save time when creating the new vehicle.
  3. Choose Unplug Device. This will also make the vehicle historical. All the data and location history for historical vehicles remains available for viewing and reports.
  4. Return to the Vehicles section and click Add, then Add vehicle.
  5. Paste the serial number from your clipboard into the Serial number field and give the new vehicle a description. Click OK to continue.
  6. Configure Driver Feedback for the new vehicle or add any custom parameters required. Once finished, click Save. The GO device is now ready to be installed in the new vehicle.

View the screenshots – Read Renee Depuydt’s blog: Benefits and Steps To Transferring Telematics Devices Between Vehicles for additional instructions on transferring a vehicle tracking device.

More Tips: Re-activating an Historical Device


If you need to move the GO device back to the old vehicle, first follow the steps above to make the current vehicle historical. Next, navigate to the Vehicles section and click Show historical. Find the old vehicle name in the list, and click on it to open the Vehicle Edit page. Click More Details to reveal additional options. Select Replace with new device. Enter a GO device serial number and click OK to re-activate the historical device.

It’s crucial you follow the steps listed above when moving a GO device between different vehicles. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this process, please contact us for more information.

Watch the MyGeotab Default Reports video to learn more about reporting in MyGeotab, including details on the IFTA Report.



Original Blog From Geotab, By Ethan Weir, Technical Services Engineer

Ground Support Equipment: The New Frontier for Telematics Growth

Global passenger traffic and air cargo volume are on the increase, according to the latest edition of the World Airport Traffic Report from the Airports Council International (ACI).1 Although figures for 2015 have not been finalized, the ACI predicts that air traffic will continue to rise. The rising volume of airport traffic signals a potential opportunity for growth in telematics. Air operations are costly and time-sensitive. Fleet management and vehicle tracking of airport ground support equipment (GSE) such as baggage/cargo handling tugs, tractors, refuelers, and container loaders can provide the visibility and information required to streamline operations, increase safety, and control costs.

Benefits of using fleet management for ground support equipment:

  • Reduced set-up time for operations with real-time location visibility of equipment; searching for loaned or borrowed equipment will be a thing of the past. Alerts can be generated for assets entering no-go and restricted areas or assets leaving your work.
  • Easier and more accurate tracking of mileage and hours. Eliminate time-consuming and costly physical monitoring and checking.
  • Reduced maintenance and fuel costs through monitoring of power take off use and engine idling time. Auxiliary inputs are available to use a vast number 3rd party devices and other sensors.
  • Lower costs related to maintenance and down-time. Monitoring diagnostic trouble code information makes it possible to proactively attend to equipment issues early before they turn into asset down-time or costly repairs.
  • Improved airport safety by enforcing safety policies like start-up sequences and seat belt use, and by detecting aggressive driving on driveable assets.
  • Lower risk of unauthorized use by tracking off-hour usage. This information is also available on older equipment without a diagnostic port. Both 12 volt and 24 volt assets can be equipped.
  • Greater warranty compliance with maintenance alerts and schedules.

For other industry-specific solutions, visit the Geotab Marketplace to view the existing portfolio of MyGeotab Add-ins, Mobile Apps, Hardware accessories and Add-On, Custom Reports and General Software Solutions.

geotab aviation annual report



Original Blog From Geotab, David Bradley, Engineering Consultant

Airports Council International. (August 31, 2015). ACI Releases 2014 World Airport Traffic Report: Airports In Advanced Economies Rebound In 2014 – Global Passenger Traffic Up By Over 5%; Air Cargo Volumes Rise After Three Years Of Stagnation – Aug 31, 2015.
Retrieved from http://www.aci.aero/News/Releases/Most-Recent/2015/08/31/ACI-releases-2014-World-Airport-Traffic-Report-Airports-in-advanced-economies-rebound-in-2014–global-passenger-traffic-up-by-over-5-air-cargo-volumes-rise-after-three-years-of-stagnation-


Immobilization, Driver Identification, and Safety

Safety is incredibly important at GoFleet, whether in relation to drivers themselves or maintaining the integrity and safety of client data. All Geotab services and products – both old and new – are constantly held to this paradigm.

Below, we will dive further into engine immobilization and describe how the NFC Tag Reader and the Driver ID Relay can be used to help manage the on-road safety of fleet drivers.

The Importance of Professional Installation
Because of the high variety and assortment of vehicle electronics and electrical circuits, it’s apparent that it can be challenging to wire the relay in a way that is fail-safe for immobilization. In a situation where an individual is not a licensed automotive electrician or equivalent, the complexity of the installation can lead to a vehicle not being able to start if for example the relay or a part of the circuit fails. No one wants to be responsible for causing a vehicle to fail to start when someone really needs to get home. To ensure a quality install, we recommend professional installation by a knowledgeable technician.

How Geotab Supports Driver Identification
The combination of the Driver ID system with the GO device is designed to ensure that the driver identifies themselves before they begin to drive. Adding a relay to the Driver system can activate a switch or turn a third party device on or off. It can even be used to activate a third party drive inhibitor or rev limiter that is both effective and safe. Geotab and its providers can’t always guarantee that a vehicle can be immobilized 100% reliably. For example, it will not work if there is no cell network coverage. The included relay can be used as part of the immobilization solution, but Geotab’s support ends at the functioning of the GO device and the relay. A licensed automotive mechanic/electrician would need to select an appropriate inhibitor for installation. There is a different standard applied to systems that can affect safety versus systems that can’t and it is important customers understand this point.

This is the reason the relay should not be wired-in directly for immobilization. The wiring diagrams for every possible vehicle make, model, and year are simply not available or practical to obtain and each has different potential issues. We’ll continue to support both the NFC Tag Reader and Driver ID Relay, individually and in combination with one another.

The NFC Tag Reader
The Near Field Communication (NFC) Tag Reader is an extremely popular add-on for GO devices which is used for driver identification. Through the use of the NFC Tag Reader, we offer a simple method for identifying and tracking drivers in pooled vehicles. With a simple touch of the NFC fob, vehicle operators can easily, quickly, and securely transfer their driver identification information up to the cloud.

Driver IDs are tracked using driver tags/GO keys, which use the same NFC technology. Each individual driver tag has a unique serial number and can be paired with a particular driver, linking individual trips to drivers. A GO device can be configured to beep constantly until a key fob is tapped to remind the driver to identify themselves. To learn more about our NFC Driver ID, take a look at Geotab’s NFC Driver ID Innovation History.

The Driver ID Relay
The Driver ID Relay can be used in conjunction with the NFC Tag Reader. This product requires professional installation by a licensed automotive electrician/mechanic. A relay is an electromagnetic switch that uses a small electric current to control the flow (i.e. turn off/on) of a much larger electric current. Our products for the IOX can be daisy-chained together with up to four components. Think of a power extension plugged into another power extension, plugged into another, etc.

Using the NFC Tag Reader and Relay in conjunction allows access to certain key features of a vehicle, making it a powerful tool for accountability and safety. In the case of daisy-chaining, the NFC Tag Reader has to be the first in the array. Since the Relay can essentially prevent current flow, eg. act as an open circuit until a key fob is tapped, access can be prevented to various components of a vehicle. If installed correctly, access to a light, switch, PTO, or other input can be restricted.

For more details on the installation requirements of the Driver ID relay kit, check out the SPR-RELAYKIT Installation Document.

Contact us to learn more about our other products and solutions.

Driving the Fleet Safety Movement


Original Blog From Geotab, by Harjot Singh, Technical Services Engineer

Harnessing the Power of IOX Expansion

Providing clients with ways to further increase the value of their fleet management solution has always been a top priority for both GoFleet and Geotab; IOX expansion is a prime example of this. Through the introduction of MyGeotab web-based fleet management software and the development of a wide range of hardware, GoFleet and Geotab have always built upon expandability to allow our clients to extract valuable data from its products.

What is IOX Expansion?

The Geotab platform can be further extended to provide added integration and flexibility with third-party providers through IOX Expansion Technology. The IOX Input/Output Expander has been around since the Geotab GO6 device was first introduced, but we continue to innovate and introduce IOX hardware for new and exciting applications.

The IOX functions on a basic principle. Each IOX performs a simple task and relays information to and/or from the GO device. An IOX connects to the GO device using the specialized mini USB port found on the side of all GO6 and GO7 devices, and it’s easy to set up and connect. While some IOX expansion products require the install be done by a certified installer, others can be connected to the GO device and easily installed on your own.


A number of different components can be measured by the IOX hardware and can be customized to meet a fleet’s specific use. For example, a fleet that relies on a dispatcher to organize and direct drivers can see a lot of benefit in using the IOX-GARMIN line, which can push messages and routes to the GARMIN to quickly advise the driver of the next stop on the route.

Types of IOX Expanders

More detailed information on IOX Expanders can be found on the Geotab Marketplace.



Fleets that measure a number of different metrics for their vehicles, or ones that use third party products from which data is recorded, can benefit from the use of the IOX-CAN. The IOX-CAN allows fleets to record data from unique hardware and transmit that data into MyGeotab. Geotab also uses this IOX to support partner integrations, such as Mobileye for Driver Distraction Systems and Valor for TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems) and Reefer Monitoring (Temperature Monitoring).

Some other great IOX Expanders include the IOX-BUZZ; it’s an external buzzer for the GO device that raises the volume of the device beeper to make it easier for drivers operating loud engine vehicles to hear audible alerts. The buzzer will sound when driver feedback or rule based audible feedback is configured within MyGeotab. The IOX-USB is great for powering USB devices like tablets and smartphones in Geotab Drive applications, whereas the IOX-NFCREADER can be used to identify the driver operating a specific vehicle using our specialized NFC keys.

One of the most powerful IOX from Geotab is the IOX-AUX. With this IOX a fleet can measure four inputs (up to eight with two IOX-AUX). Essentially, the IOX-AUX is connected to a signal that enables a fleet manager to monitor a variety of vehicle inputs such as sirens for emergency vehicles, refrigeration units, and seatbelt sensors. Using an On/Off built-in logic, the GO device can pick up a change in state of an object and attribute it as a signal. Then this information is sent to MyGeotab where it can be used in conjunction with the powerful Exception Rule logic in MyGeotab to create relevant and strong conditions and metrics for fleet vehicles.

How the IOX Works

The GO device uses the pre-programmed firmware to intelligently detect the IOX that is connected. Then, it adjusts the logic on a device level to account for the new IOX and the data that may be sent/received. While some IOX read information only, such as the IOX-AUX, others can actually push information as well, like the IOX-GARMIN.

Once the device is able to configure itself to receive the specific IOX information appropriately, it will start logging and transferring the data to MyGeotab. This process can take up to a couple of minutes. Some IOX transfer information as soon as the data is received, such as state changes for IOX-AUX or when drivers swipe their keys on the IOX-NFCREADER. Other IOX transmit information similar to GPS and speed data at regular intervals based on the logging algorithm.

IOX Expandability

The IOX is further expandable and up to five can be connected in series to one GO device. If a fleet requires multiple IOX, each supports further expandability using the in-line port with a termination shunt inserted upon shipment. Once the termination shunt is removed and the secondary port exposed, additional IOX can be connected to a total of five on one device. Essentially, fleets are getting six devices working independently as well as together to deliver a wide range of information to the equally powerful myGeotab web application.

The Future of IOX

Geotab has plans to extend the IOX line in the future. One such example is the IOX-GOTALK. GO TALK is a new product that provides real-time verbal feedback to drivers on their driving habits and performance en route. It can be configured to speak a number of pre-programmed notifications. Unique customized notifications can also be created to have the GO TALK speak different statements. Keep an eye out for other new and exciting IOX hardware down the road!


IOX Hardware Learning Resources

By providing more intelligent hardware, intricate firmware and feature packed software, the GoFleet and Geotab product line has evolved into an ecosystem of its own. The IOX is a simple, yet powerful, aspect of this system as it provides much of the data that is used by other components, like MyGeotab and the excellent SDK. With the data provided to our clients, fleet managers can create reports and rules in MyGeotab, harnessing the full potential of the Geotab fleet management solution.


Original Article By: Taimoor Khan, Technical Services Engineer

Don’t Get Left Behind: 2G Sunset FAQs

You might have already heard the buzz around the 2G sunset. In the article below, we try to answer some of the most common questions about the 2G sunset and what it means for fleet managers.

Q: What is the 2G sunset?

A: The demand for mobile broadband data has sky-rocketed with the increasing popularity of smart devices and M2M applications. According to AT&T, in the United States, “…data traffic has grown at a staggering rate since 2007, and will continue to increase dramatically in the foreseeable future.” Therefore, some cellular carriers are phasing out 2G to better respond to customer demand for enhanced services.

Q: When will the shutdown of 2G start?

A: Fleet managers should begin planning right away for the North American 2G transition to avoid any interruptions in service. Although AT&T plans to retire its 2G network in the U.S. by January 1, 2017, it has declared that some markets and territories may be sun-setted before then. There are reports that AT&T’s 2G service shut down has already started.

Worldwide, 2G is the preferred wireless technology, particularly in Asia and Africa, and providers will continue to support 2G for the near future. Australia’s Telstra announced that its 2G (GSM) network will close by the end of 2016. No confirmed dates of the 2G shut down for Canada have been announced, although Canadian Business reports, “Industry watchers predict most telecoms will abandon 2G by 2020.”

Q: What are the advantages of 3G?

A: The key advantages of later generations of cellular communications are enhancements in functionality and speed. All things considered, moving to 3G offers the benefits of upgraded hardware, access to advanced fleet management solutions, and widespread availability.

Q: Why should fleet managers transition to 3G?

A: The 2G shutdown in North America will have a real impact on vehicle tracking and fleet management. Fleet managers with outdated 2G telematics devices will eventually experience issues with connectivity and their units will stop reporting.

Transitioning to 3G will allow fleet managers to effectively manage and track their vehicles. Many 3G devices are also backwards compatible; this means, if a 3G network is not available, they will fall back or work on a 2G network if one can be found.

Upgrading devices makes it possible to take advantage of the latest Geotab Marketplace mobile apps and add-ins for driver safety, fleet efficiency, vehicle health, and compliance, such as:


Fleet Managers Hanging On To Their
2G Technology Will Get Left Behind.

Q: How is Geotab helping customers with 2G hardware?

A: Geotab is offering a special promotion to help customers with existing 2G hardware upgrade to new technology.

  • New Geotab GO7 Device Promo
  • Free hardware switch for Geotab devices operating on the KORE, Jasper and Aeris networks.
  • Contact your sales rep or [email protected] to see if your devices qualify for this upgrade to take advantage of this limited time opportunity.


Q: What are the advantages of the Geotab GO7 Device?

A: The new Geotab GO7 devices have several advantages over the older hardware. Over the years we have increased the data we can collect from the vehicle, including seatbelt usage, richer engine diagnostic data, fluid level monitoring, and engine health monitoring through temperatures. The older devices do not have enough memory to run the newer firmware so this data is not available on the older hardware.

G-force monitoring has also been improved; the GO7 takes more sensitive readings compared to early accelerometer in the GO5 devices.

Most importantly, the GO7 has the ability to add-on additional solutions or sensors through the IOX.

Benefits of the GO7 device:

  • Fast GPS acquisition time for superior data accuracy
  • High quality recording of valuable vehicle health and safety information
  • In-vehicle driver coaching
  • Accident detection and notification
  • Compact and durable (no external antenna)
  • IOX expansion for flexibility and third-party integration (e.g. temperature tracking, camera systems, etc.)
  • Easy plug & play installation

Wireless technology is always evolving. Rapid advancement demands strategic planning to ensure that vehicle management and asset tracking is not negatively affected.

USA customers, contact your sales rep or [email protected] to take advantage of the Geotab GO7 promotion! Promotion ends December 31st, 2015.

For more information on the 2G Sunset, read this popular article:
“Elimination of 2G Networks”.


Original Article By Geotab

10 Winter Driving Tips to Keep You Safe

Whether we like to admit it or not, winter is coming, and it’s important that we be prepared. Some parts of North America have already started experiencing heavy snowfall.

It’s crucial we do everything we can to keep our roads as safe as possible throughout the winter months.

Check out these 10 tips to follow to stay safe this winter.

    1. Create a ‘Survival Kit’
      Your kit should contain items such as: booster cables, small shovel, gloves, snow brush, windshield wiper fluid, first aid kit, torch, safety vest, candles, water bottles and non-perishable energy foods. Keep this kit located in the trunk of your car.
    2. Check Weather & Road Conditions Often
      Choose your route ahead of time and check the forecast to make sure you know what you can expect before you hit the road.
    3. Allow for Safe Distance Behind Snow Plows
      If you get caught behind a snow plow, keep a safe distance. Snow plow drivers don’t always have the greatest visibility and often create snow clouds that can reduce your visibility.
    4. Get Winter Tires!
      They provide much better handling, braking and traction; they can also shorten your braking distance by as much as 25%. All-season tires are not equivalent to winter tires. They can lose their grip if the temperature drops below 7 degrees Celsius.
    5. Slow Down; Give Yourself Extra Travel Time
      This one is quite obvious and very important. Always drive according to the conditions of the road and do not rely on the estimated time of arrival your GPS gives you.
    6. Clear Ice & Snow From Your Vehicle
      Clean all mirrors, windows, lights and the roof; wait for foggy windows to clear up completely so your visibility isn’t effected.
    7. Wear Comfortable Clothes
      It’s normally a good idea to layer up in the winter but having too many layers can be restricting on your movement and make it hard to check your blind spots.
    8. Keep Your Gas Tank Full
      It helps to reduce moisture in the fuel system and also adds some extra weight to slow your vehicle down faster.
    9. Avoid Using Cruise Control
      You can easily lose control of your vehicle in bad weather by relying on cruise control. If driving conditions are very poor, or if there is a serious blizzard or ice storm, it’s best to avoid driving completely.
    10. Learn The Best Way to Recover From a Skid in Your Vehicle
      How your vehicle will respond to a skid depends on whether or not it has front wheel, rear wheel, or 4-wheel drive. If your vehicle has ABS brakes (anti-lock braking system), you should learn how to use it properly.

Driving the Fleet Safety Movement


Image: “Coming plow (8413903563)” by Oregon Department of Transportation – Uploaded by Smallman12q. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Geotab Updates Preview (Nov. 2015)

Preview the latest updates to Geotab software applications and firmware, rolling out soon.

Check your build number to verify whether the changes are reflected in your system by going to Administration/About. The build number shows the month of release, for example: 5.7.1511.xxx release/2015-11.

In this edition:

  • Active Tracking Enhancements
  • Hours of Service Availability Enhancement
  • Marketplace Configurations
  • New Google Zone Import
  • Group Management Enhancement
  • Internationalization
  • New Addition to Security Clearances
  • Minor Interface Enhancements

Active Tracking Enhancements

Geotab’s Active Tracking feature for MyGeotab, which provides near-live vehicle animations on a map, is a critical tool for first responders, taxi companies, fleet owners, and other dispatchers who need to closely monitor the live position of their vehicles.

Previously, Active Tracking was enabled vehicle by vehicle. However, to accommodate managers of larger fleets, a new enhancement makes it possible to enable Active Tracking for an entire group of vehicles at once.

To make a bulk edit, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Vehicles page and select the vehicles you would like to bulk edit. You can do this by selecting the drop-down above the vehicle list and selecting the visible vehicles in the list, individual or all in the group filter you have selected.
  2. Select the Edit selected devices button to bring you to the device edit screen.
  3. You will now have the option to turn on Active Tracking from the edit screen.


Bulk vehicle edit.


Active Tracking toggle in bulk edit.

Hours of Service Availability Enhancement

Fleet managers have a faster way to view the HOS availability of all their drivers. The Availability report will now load all drivers by default, instead of requiring the user to select each driver first. In the default setting, “All” drivers are selected. Click the Apply button to accept. When viewing HOS Availability, all drivers within the group filter should be displayed when first viewing the page.

Having faster access to HOS information enables fleet managers to identify which drivers are coming up to the end of their daily or weekly hours, and helps them avoid potential HOS violations.

Marketplace Configurations

In MyGeotab, the default setting has been updated so that users will see all available Marketplace applications. This includes both free and paid applications, including applications developed by third-party vendors.

Administrators have the ability to customize the types of applications visible to users through a toggle option. For example, the Marketplace view can be configured to display only free applications. To change this setting, navigate to Administration/System Settings. On the Marketplace tab, select the Off for “Display third-party apps.”

System Settings Marketplace option for setting application visibility.

New Google Zone Import

To streamline the creation of zones, which are a critical component in analyzing fleet behaviour, Geotab has made it possible to create zones from Google Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files using the Import KML Zones Add-In.

Geotab has developed a number of Add-In products which can be easily integrated into your MyGeotab UI. More information is available on the MyGeotab Software Development Kit (SDK) portal.


Import KML Zones add-in.

Group Management Enhancement

Quick edit functionality has been added to the Vehicle Edit section. When a vehicle is assigned to multiple groups, you can click the “x” to remove it from the group, while leaving the other assignments in place.


Management of Groups in Vehicle Edit.


Multi-language support has been extended to users. Report headings for default reports will be translated into the language currently set by the user. Users can also make use of this functionality for custom reports in any supported language.

To add multi-language support for a new custom report template, follow the appropriate method below.

From a default template:

  1. Export the base report you want to build your custom from by going to Administration>Reports>Report Views, selecting the report, and clicking on the Export button.
  2. Un-hide the Languages tab.
    + The Languages tab has English as its first column and subsequent columns contain French, Spanish, German, and Japanese. The column titles must be shown in English.
    + The other languages can be in any order.
    + Custom reports do not need to support all languages, a subset is acceptable.
  3. If you add new header text in the report or summary tabs, you will need to add two asterisks before the heading (for example, “Date” would be “**Date”). Without the asterisks, the translations will not work.

From live data:

  1. Navigate to the section you want to build your custom report from and run the report (for example, Activity>Risk Management>View>Advanced).
  2. Un-hide the Languages tab.
    + The Languages tab has English as its first column and subsequent columns contain French, Spanish, German and Japanese. The column titles must be shown in English.
    + The other languages can be in any order.
    + Custom reports do not need to support all languages – a subset is acceptable.
  3. For each tab, whether a sheet or a pivot table, at the English heading you wish to translate, type the prefix of two asterisks (for example, change “Date” to “**Date”). Without these the translations will not work.
  4. If you create new columns, you will need to add them to the translations table, one per line.

Translating existing custom reports:

  • If you have existing custom reports that you wish to translate, please follow the above steps for creating a report template from live data. You will need to create a new tab with the exact title “Languages” which can be hidden later if desired.

Noto Sans Japanese font

The default system font for the Japanese language user interface in MyGeotab has been changed to Noto Sans Japanese for improved Japanese language legibility. The Noto font family is being developed by Google as a means of supporting all languages with a font that is high-quality and reader-friendly.


Sample of Noto Sans Japanese font.

New Addition to Security Clearances

An additional security clearance for “Administer devices delete/unplug/replace” has been created for configuring user-level security. A user will now need this particular clearance to makes changes on individual vehicles. To add or change security clearances in MyGeotab, go to Administration/Users and click on the Clearances button.

Minor Interface Enhancements

  • Vehicles are identified as “historical”, rather than “historic.” This change does not affect functionality.
  • A cancel button was added to the rule edit page.
  • The placeholder text for input fields and button tool-tips supports multiple languages.
  • Route and Route plan changes include: numbering route stops; adding a drag icon to routes on a list; warning that if a trip is optimized it may change the stop order; clarification that optimization is based on shortest distance.

Questions or Comments?

If you have a question or comment about any of the items mentioned, please email: [email protected].


Original Article By: Angie Milne, Solutions Specialist at Geotab


Risk Management: Improve Compliance, Lower Insurance Costs

A poor safety rating can be crippling to a business. Orkin, the 20th largest fleet in the world knows this all too well. The sustainability of Orkin’s entire business was threatened by a poor safety rating. At one point 7% of Orkin’s entire revenue was going towards insurance and claims. A strict culture of safe driving was introduced through a comprehensive fleet & risk management program. Since implementing this program into their fleet 11 years ago, Orkin has saved as much as $40 million per year or $6000+/vehicle.

The margin for error within driver safety and compliance becomes narrower every year. Any tickets, accidents or claims impacts the entire company and forces harsher penalties, liability, and ultimately higher overall operating costs. Take a look at the action steps below, to see how we recommend our clients work towards running a safer fleet.


  • Post a weekly driver scorecard report for drivers and management. This report measures driver risk by each driver. Risky driving habits such as speeding, seat-belt use, harsh-braking and backing-up when leaving are measured.
  • Allow drivers to self-evaluate and make efforts to improve poor driving habits.
  • Define penalties around unsafe driving which puts your company at risk. Communicate that unsafe driving will not be tolerated.
  • Develop baseline measurements of driving habits through a driver scorecard. Evaluate current liability and insurance costs. Set goals for improvement based on the measurements and measure against these goals at 3-6-12 month intervals.
  • Implement driver training for high risk drivers. A study by SAFED showed that the average driver reduces fuel consumption by over 10% following fuel efficient driver training. Additionally driver training reduces risk and claims by as much as 50%.


  • Call your insurance company. Evaluate potential insurance savings with your insurance company based on reduced liability.
  • GoFleet has developed an insurance discount partnership with multiple providers. Potential insurance discount can range from 10-40% on insurance premiums for fleets.


New CSA / DOT compliance requirements mandate Hours of Service (HOS / Driver Log) and Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR) for specific types of commercial fleets (typically applying to heavy duty logistics fleets). These mandates help ensure drivers are not driving fatigued and that vehicles are being operated safely on the road. GoFleet offers HOS & DVIR compliance tools that are Android / Garmin / Mobile based.

Do you have HOS / DVIR requirements? Email us at [email protected] for more information or to get started.