unions, transportation, fleet,

Dash Cams and Unions: A Teamster Teaches Best Practices

Creating a successful dash cam program within your fleet requires a few key ingredients. Optimal installation, platform integration, driver coaching, clear company policies and rewards programs are all important factors to consider. As we’ve mentioned in this post, getting your drivers’ buy-in is the lynch pin to any successful program; this is especially true for businesses that employ union drivers.

It’s understandable that unions will have questions and concerns on behalf of their members regarding tracking technology; how it works, but more so how it will be used. That’s why the most successful dash cam programs are those that put the needs, opinions and safety of their drivers first.

John Hamill, a Business Agent at the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, began studying video-based safety back in 1994, when cameras were first being used in ambulances. Since then, Hamill has helped design strategic risk-management policies as part of successful collective bargaining agreements that advocate for video-based safety technology. 

As an expert in strategic planning for ambulance and passenger transit companies, Hamill brings more than 30 years of experience in transportation, training, and risk management. An expert on safety change management, Hamill knows how to craft responsible dash cam programs that work for companies, drivers and their unions.

Hamill offers recommends the following four best practices to implement a responsible and successful dash cam program for union drivers. 


Best Practice No. 1: Engage the Union, First


Driver and asset safety is the entire purpose for creating a dash cam program, and unions and fleet companies have the shared goal of keeping drivers safe. For these reasons, companies are advised to value and build on their union partnerships by engaging the union prior to any rollout. 

“My biggest tip to companies with union drivers is this: before going to your drivers, get the union to buy in first,” Hamill says. “Not going to the union first can lead to so many issues down the line. If, for example, the union hears about an issue first, they may want to shut down the initiative entirely. That can set a precedent that’s hard to overcome.” When unions help in crafting the policies and rollout, future misunderstandings are avoided, and everyone wins.

When beginning the dialogue with unions, Hamill recommends that companies communicate the many benefits of video-based safety for drivers. To fully articulate such benefits, says Hamill, “use data and proof points from other companies to really show the value of cameras.” This means expressing, with evidence, such benefits as: 

  •  Annual decreases in the frequency of preventable accidents as a result of video-based driver coaching and alerts.
  •  Number of drivers exonerated from road accidents because of dash cam evidence.
  •  Increase in driver retention and decrease in turnover after implementation of video-based driver recognition and driver rewards programs.

Many companies employ a mix of union and non-union drivers, often after negotiating annual contracts. However, notes Hamill, even in cases where the contract has already been negotiated and the dash cam program is not part of the collective bargaining agreement, companies can still utilize a side letter or a memorandum of understanding (MOU). Side letters or MOUs “are the best way to implement cameras before the next contract,” Hamill states.


Best Practice No. 2: Survey Your Drivers to Alleviate Anxiety 


After starting a dialogue with the union, open the lines of communication with your drivers. Hamill recommends that you survey your drivers, introduce the topic, and ask for their opinions.  Then, says Hamill, “you can build policies to alleviate their anxieties and really help create that trust.”

Hamill suggests using initial surveys that allow for broad questions and free responses, such as How do you feel about dashboard cameras as they pertain to safety? “That will give you an overall sense of sentiment. You might be surprised what the answers reveal about their specific concerns or experiences,” says Hamill. “Doing a survey can really help inform what your policy should address.”

These surveys will highlight key concerns from your team. One recurring fear of drivers is the belief that dash cams will be used to ‘spy’ on them and watch their every move. This is a common misconception that can be addressed early on. “Before you install a single camera or even build out your policy, transparent communication about the technology is key,” Hamill states. 

Communicating how the technology works and what types of road events will be recorded will help build trust and transparency. Be sure to identify the following:

  •  What are the specific dash cam capabilities
  •  What types of events will trigger footage to be recorded and uploaded
  •  Whether audio is being captured
  •  What other dash cam features may be activated or deactivated
  •  Whether in-cab coaching and safety alerts will be turned on.

“Communication will help combat fear and anxiety—which are so dangerous not only to your safety program and the culture of your company, but actually to the drivers themselves,” Hamill notes. Instead, drivers should feel comfortable and secure, with their focus safely on the road.


Best Practice No. 3: Create & Follow Clear Safety Policies


Hamill states that the key to successful fleet operations lies in designing thorough safety policies so your company’s expectations and driver requirements are clear, and following those policies. 

While every company will have different needs and safety requirements, he recommends articulating the basic rules required by law—such as DOT standards—and then building out company policy from there. Safety policies may include: 

  • A ‘zero tolerance’ policy for dangerous or illicit activities, such as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • A tiered system of discipline based on the seriousness of an infraction, such as distractions or texting while driving. 
  • A strike (or point) system for infractions such as speeding, close following distance or not wearing a seatbelt.
  • Coaching drivers and explaining clearly in advance which behaviours will result in training or coaching, and which behaviours will result in progressive discipline.

Both drivers and their union representatives should be provided with written documentation of your company’s safety and coaching policies, guidelines for coaching, and a clearly outlined process for any disciplinary actions. You can also use GoFleet’s driver coaching tools to ensure follow-through and accountability, and provide benchmarks such as driver scorecards and compliance reports. 


Best Practice No. 4: Make Good Driving Rewarding & Fun


“It’s so important to make safety fun,” Hamill says, “and reward the people who are driving safely.” The ‘gamification’ of any activity—be it taking the stairs or good driving, has been proven effective by countless studies. When an activity is made more fun or rewarding, people are far more likely to do it.

Hamill notes that as a safety manager for MV Transportation, they offered a $200 bonus to drivers who went without incident for a year. This created genuine excitement and excellence from drivers.   “If you don’t offer that positive incentive, you’re not encouraging people to strive for excellence,” Hamill says. “By default, you’re rewarding complacency.”

GoFleet helps incentivize driver performance through KPI metrics and driver rankings. We recommend creating a Driver Safety Rewards Program to encourage and reward safe drivers; we can also help you start a Safe Driver Contest to reinforce good practices. Our telematics devices allow you to rank driver safety so you can reward safe drivers and help ensure driver retention. 

Hamill notes that while the initial perception of dash cameras can be challenging, the long-term benefits in fleet safety and efficiency make all the difference with regards to a company’s safety culture and success. Certainly, the same holds true for the safety and success of its drivers. 

Interested to learn more and talk to one of our dash camera specialists? Contact us today!

Nuclear Verdict, dash camera, dashcam, telematics, gofleet, truck, logistics, trucking, accident, colllision

The Nuclear Verdict: How Commercial Dash Cams Can Save Your Business Money

When a jury awards a plaintiff payout in excess of $10 million, that payout is referred to as a “nuclear verdict”. If a member of your fleet has been involved in a vehicle incident that results in one of these verdicts, the results for your business could be catastrophic.


According to CNBC, the average amount for a lawsuit above $1 million involving a truck collision has increased nearly 1,000%,from $2.3 million to $22.3 million in the U.S. between 2010 to 2018. Nuclear verdicts are driving up insurance rates for fleets, and increasing associated costs for those trucking companies to insure them as a result. To absorb some of the costs, large operators are scaling back on insurance, putting them at greater risk if an accident were to occur. Unable to afford inflated deductibles or premiums, smaller fleets are folding altogether.


One major reason for nuclear verdicts arises from a disconnect between negligence and liability. Because large organizations with massive fleets are assumed to have more resources (i.e. more insurance), they are typically targeted for payouts, even if they’re not entirely at fault. For example, there are cases where a company can be identified as 10% negligent and still have to cover 100% of the financial liability.


Another reason for these excessive payouts includes an uptick in fatal accidents involving trucks. According to the National Safety Council, there was a 43% increase in deadly collisions involving large trucks between 2010 and 2019. The number of injuries associated with truck crashes rose that year to 160,000 (7%), the majority of which were occupants from other vehicles.


Assessing risk on the road has long been considered integral to the cost of doing business for every trucking organization. Fortunately, dash cameras not only help with safety initiatives in fleets, they also have a return on investment that can help fleets stay afloat amid mounting insurance concerns.


Dash cams and telematics

An increase in nuclear verdicts results in higher prices for liability insurance and reduced access to casualty or excess liability insurance, resulting in some carriers leaving that particular line of business and causing many in the trucking industry to worry about the potential impact a single loss could have on their bottom line.


This is where dash cams and telematics can be essential tools to help manage risk. In fact, these devices may one day become a requirement in order to get insurance for your fleet. Where once insurance companies only looked at claims regarding trucks, they will now start gathering data to get a holistic overview of driving behaviour, dash cam footage and a fleet’s hiring practices.


Many insurance companies look favourably on commercial vehicles with dash cams installed, and in some cases this small step can result in a reduction in insurance premiums. Furthermore, a dash cam will certainly protect a business from false insurance claims. Commercial dash cam footage is now widely accepted by most insurance companies as evidence to help speed up the claims process.

Dash cams can:

  • Prevent fraudulent insurance claims (i.e. “crash for cash”)
  • Protect your drivers and assets
  • Identify liable parties and exonerate your drivers


There are other ways that dash cams and telematics systems can improve an organization’s coffers, beyond insurance premiums. For one, dash cams not only tell a fleet manager what’s happening on the road, but what’s taking place inside the cabin. Is the driver sleeping? On his phone or otherwise distracted? Being alerted to risky driving behaviour helps you identify culpability while improving good driving habits in your fleet.


Dash cams can also help you reduce fuel consumption. Your telematics platform can trigger an alert if a vehicle is idling, for example, and can optimize driving routes to increase efficiency, shorten trips and save fuel. Regardless of your industry, dash cams and telematics help fleets and organizations streamline their processes from top to bottom line.




Telematics is becoming an industry-wide practice, one that can positively impact an organization’s return on investment. A knowledgeable insurance broker will educate your business on how to meet requirements and will help you secure insurance at the best possible price. Similarly, your GoFleet consultant will help you find a telematics solution that best uses dash cam technology to protect your business and your drivers. Contact us today for a free estimate and demonstration.

al dashcam, driver, fleet, dash cam, dash camera, gofleet, zenducam,

How To Talk To Your Drivers About The Benefits Of AI Dashcams

As a fleet manager, you’re aware that installing commercial AI dashcams will greatly improve your business; eliminating inefficiencies, reducing accidents and offering incentives for positive driving behaviours.


Why then, are many drivers resistant to, or in some cases outright rejecting, the implementation of dashcams? Back in March, a driver for Amazon tendered his notice after it was announced that the online retailer would be implementing AI dashcams in their delivery vehicles, citing the move was “both a privacy violation, and a breach of trust.”


Sadly, many drivers feel the same. Fleet managers are facing a large percentage of dissatisfied drivers, and even reporting scenarios where a driver will place a sticker over the camera lens to ensure their face can’t be tracked. There is a general perception that dashcams create an almost dystopian ecosystem of distrust, when in reality, the opposite is true. In this post, we discuss how to create messaging that overcomes the most common objections, so you too can foster goodwill among your drivers and create an environment of trust.


Safety vs. Surveillance


According to the American Trucking Association (ATA), trucks are only at fault about 26% of the time in the event of light vehicle/truck accidents, yet trucks get far more blame — closer to 80% to be exact. In this light, it is key to position dashcams to your drivers as an opportunity, rather than a hindrance, to performance and safety. AI dashcams can upload high-resolution video footage automatically and within minutes, allowing you to exonerate your drivers from false claims or no-fault incidents, bypass insurance claims and avoid costly payouts.


Rather than being perceived as “Big Brother”, you might position yourself as someone who is looking out for your drivers, someone who can protect and support the fleet in the event of a collision. Click here to see dashcam footage that could exonerate the driver.

Collisions are incredibly expensive (the average collision costs a company upwards of $91K) and can affect a drivers’ Compliance, Safety and Accountability (CSA) scores, as well as your bottom line. Having access to video evidence in real-time can save you money while protecting your drivers.


Coaching vs. Complaining


Coaching can tend to be reactive, the result of a ticket, accident or bad driving behaviours. AI dashcams can actually make coaching a proactive experience. With automatically-uploaded video footage, managers can coach drivers with accuracy, increasing accountability and consistent driving behaviour.

Because  dashcams offer incident detection in real-time, drivers can adjust their driving with in-cab alerts and prevent accidents before they happen. The dashcam platform you select should provide safety workflows, online tools and efficiencies to keep you drivers safe and accountable.


Reward vs. Reproach


Did you know that a well-placed rewards program can help you retain drivers while incentivizing good driving habits? Do your drivers know? Efficient coaching should follow with robust incentives that will not only encourage your drivers to tolerate dashcams, but to actively engage with them.


According to the ATA, driver turnover was at 92% in 2020, and reported the cost of replacing a driver to average $12K. From digital driver safety scorecards to gift cards, gamifying your rewards program can help you lower turnover and associated hiring costs. Driver reward programs also bolster training, improve your fleet culture, and improve driver behaviour, morale and motivation.

The best safety incentive programs are merit-based systems that help develop better relationships between fleets and drivers. To best assign rewards and recognition, we recommend the following:


Develop goals


Start small. The basic goals of any rewards program is to improve fleet safety and increase revenue. Identify small goals to improve, such as adhering to schedules, avoiding idling, limiting phone use, following speed limits or reducing harsh braking. Make the steps digestible, realistic and attainable.


You should also ensure that there’s a way to measure and track behaviours over time, so as to reward your drivers consistently and fairly. Ideally, telematics data from your dashcams would provide the content required to measure these goals accurately. Incentivizing good driving is a process, so be sure to reward your drivers not only for continued excellence, but for continued improvement as well. 


Communicate your expectations


Goals, rules and benefits should be clearly explained up front and reiterated consistently. A leaderboard (either digital or physical) or scorecard is a great way to show drivers where they are and what they need to do to reach the next level.


Get driver feedback


Transparency and engagement are key to any rewards program. Driver feedback connects your drivers to the business and creates an environment of trust. Don’t be afraid to ask them about their thoughts concerning your incentive program. Just as your drivers continue to improve, so too can your rewards program.


Use gamification


Gamification can improve driver behaviour and increase retention. Make safe driving fun and competitive while building team spirit and fostering a better safety culture by encouraging your drivers to play, compete and win!


The rewards themselves should be appropriate to your corporate ecosystem. Some organizations use a points system that can result in cash bonuses or gift cards, while others prefer flex hours or a physical item such as a plaque or pin to recognize safe driving behaviour. This would be a great opportunity to ask drivers for their input and find out what they would like to have as a reward.


Use positive feedback


Aside from cash bonuses and financial rewards, positive feedback and encouragement can be equally motivating. Make sure that your safety rewards platform includes a strong driver recognition program. This can be achieved through email newsletters, internal communications, certificates or a “Driver of the Month” program.


Dashcams present a unique opportunity for partnership between you and your drivers, offering transparency and accountability on both sides. The right telematics solution will provide accurate, real-time metrics by which you can weigh and evaluate performance while encouraging improvement.


Your drivers want to know that you have their safety and best interests at heart. They want to feel encouraged and appreciated. Provided you’ve given your drivers adequate time to train and prepare for the transition, they too will come to see dashcams less as something to work around, and more of a benefit — possibly even an asset — to their work on the road.

Advanced Driver Assistance System, fleet, gofleet, dash camera, dashcam, ADAS

Does Your Fleet Need An Advanced Driver Assistance System?


The automotive industry continues to respond to consumer demand for enhanced safety features in an ongoing quest to develop more secure, automated vehicles and a safer driving experience for the people who operate them. The race to develop smarter, safer personal transportation has taken us from seatbelts to self-driving cars; it would seem the finish line is somewhere on the horizon.


In the latest iteration of safer driving, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) have taken car manufacturing by storm, enabling vehicles to detect, correct and protect while in a driving environment. Mirrors and windows have been augmented — and in some cases replaced — with camera-based technology that helps both vehicle and driver react and respond to stimulus on the road.


What Are ADA Systems And How Do They Work?


Advanced Driver Assistance Systems use cameras to quickly and accurately detect and recognize all attributes on the road, including vehicles, pedestrians, traffic signs, lane lines and obstacles. Cameras are positioned outside the vehicle on the front, back and sides to capture images of the road, street signs, pedestrians, vehicles, etc. The images captured by the cameras are analyzed by supporting software and triggers a vehicle response to improve safety, such as emergency braking, blind spot alerts, helping park the vehicle, or driver alertness.


A Worthwhile Expense


Although ADA innovation has exploded in popularity, rolling out the technology on a large scale can be cost-prohibitive, particularly with smaller fleets. Getting these systems into more factory-built vehicles is not only expensive, but requires different levels of compliance and safety standards. 


Nonetheless, studies point to a reduction of traffic accidents as the result of ADA Systems. According to recent research from LexisNexis Risk Solutions, “ADAS vehicles showed a 27% reduction in bodily injury claim frequency and a 19% reduction in property damage frequency.” 


They also limit the number of insurance claims due to accidents in which there is property damage but no sustained injuries. Clearly, an ADA System is a cost-saving – and life-saving – asset that can’t be ignored.


What To Look For In An ADA System


While fleet managers don’t have their sights set on autonomous driving just yet, there is inherent value in a truck’s ability to “see” and analyze its environment. An ADA System equips your drivers with enhanced visibility on the road while positively impacting road behaviour. Here are a few of the things to look for before making a purchase decision.


Exceptional cameras: The key to a reliable ADA System is using top-tier cameras. Simply put, better cameras can better recognize their environment and send data to the software, which can then initiate a faster response. What makes a better camera? 


High Image Quality: Cameras should have high resolution, which allow greater levels of detection in all kinds of lighting and weather conditions and across all automotive operating temperatures. This affords the software greater, faster accuracy when interpreting data.


Customization: There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to fleet safety. Modular camera solutions enable fleet companies to choose from a selection of sensors, cameras and image sensor processors (ISPs).


Automated features: ADA Systems help avoid collisions by using technology to alert drivers to potential hazards or take over control of the vehicle to avoid such danger. This safety enhancement improves driving within your fleet, and among the greater population. 


Adaptive features: Your ADAS should have adaptive features that incorporate navigational warnings to alert drivers to potential dangers, such as vehicles in blind spots, lane departures, automated lighting, adaptive cruise control, and pedestrian crash avoidance mitigation (PCAM). 


Reputable affiliations: Your ADA System supplier should have unfettered access to strategic automotive-focused partners, enabling you to leverage cameras with next-generation human-technology-interfacing for the safest, most accurate driving experience possible.




With the number of options available on the market, it can be hard for fleet managers to know which ADA System will work best in their vehicles. Furthermore, it can be a challenge to train drivers to use them to their fullest advantage.


Modern ADA Systems contain some of the most sought-after safety features for drivers, fleet managers and organizations. Talk to your GoFleet representative about what’s coming up for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, and how we can help you promote safety and awareness on the road.

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: The Secret To Boosting Fleet Safety

Within fleets, technology continues to advance and as a result, drive new benefits. These safety benefits don’t only keep drivers and others safe on the road, but can in fact lower excess costs related to accidents or other driving incidents. At the moment, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are extremely useful and are only growing in popularity as the technology continues to impress fleets of many sizes. Below we discuss how ADAS systems can lead to improved driver safety, less driving incidents, reduced road collisions, and less dangerous accidents. 


What Are Advanced Driver Assistance Systems? Who Is Using This Technology?


As briefly mentioned, ADAS, or otherwise known as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, are innovative technological systems that help drivers not only keep better control of their vehicles, but drive more safely. As mentioned previously ADAS systems are growing in popularity due to safety benefits. However, it is also worth highlighting how many of the advancements of the technology has resulted from research and development into self-driving cars. This is because much of the advancements look towards automating driving systems and reducing the need of human intervention. 


Since benefits relate to improving efficiencies and safety, many fleets are implementing ADAS systems in their drivers vehicles. In fact, a recent 2018 survey found that approximately 40% of all fleets (regardless of size) are using some form of ADAS technology, with 74% of larger fleet sizes consisting of 50 or more Class 8 vehicles adopting the technology. 


Types Of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Used By Fleets


When discussing ADAS systems and fleet use, it’s important to look at the varying ways that fleets of any size can implement the technology. But before diving into the most popular systems, it’s important to note that advanced driver assistance systems can vary from being adaptive, automated, monitoring and warning systems. 


Adaptive Systems 


An adaptive ADAS system is one that adapts to its surroundings. Meaning that as a vehicle moves throughout an environment, the systems will help provide small adjustments to improve safety. Typically using previously gathered data in relation to its current environmental surroundings. One example of this is the cruise control features in automobiles. Adaptive cruise control (ACC) focuses on using distance sensing technology to detect the space between items or vehicles on the road. In terms of driving, ACC systems focus on using radar or laser sensor technology to not only anticipate the distance of vehicles in front of the automobile it is installed in, but automatically make adjustments in speed to ensure that the proper distance is maintained while driving. 


Automated Systems 


An automated system is a little more innovative than an adaptive system because it allows for the system to gain control over the vehicle and make adjustments to ensure that safety is met. The system typically takes control of the vehicle when a collision is about to occur. An example of an automated system in vehicles is the automatic emergency braking (AEB) feature. AEB automatically and immediately begins to brake when the vehicle detects that a collision or accident may happen in attempts to avoid it. 


Warning Systems 


A warning system is exactly what one may assume it to be – a system which alerts drivers of possible risks to safety. This automatic feature consists of in-cab warnings which alert the driver of possible issues in real-time. An example of this is forward collision warning (FCW) which uses real-time data of speed and objects on the road to calculate whether a collision could happen. If the system measures that the distance or angle of an object (including vehicles) ahead could be worrisome at the travelling speed, it will warn the driver of the impending collision. 



ADAS Technologies Used By Fleets


Blind Spot Monitoring 


This is an innovative feature that has proven itself to be extremely useful not only in the safety it provides, but its average adoption rate of 77.2%. Blind spot monitoring focuses on using not only cameras, but sensors to monitor the space surrounding a vehicle. The technology monitors for objects that are located in the drivers obstructed view (or otherwise known as the drivers blind spot). When objects are detected in the blind spot, the sensor-based monitor can alert the driver that there is something in the not-easily visible area. Many sensor-based blind spot monitors are now built into vehicles at the factory stage of manufacturing via OEM (original equipment manufacturer) initiatives. OEM blind spot monitoring typically consists of exterior cameras at the side or rear of the vehicle. 


Forward Video Monitoring 


Forward video monitoring is another beneficial feature to implement within fleets of any size as it provides front-facing footage of drivers on the road. Typically, a dash camera is installed in-cab, on windshields to automatically record what is happening ahead of the vehicle. The device then records footage automatically, and typically only stores footage for a short period of time unless an incident is reported. Video monitoring is extremely useful to help provide proof of driving events, lower risky driving behaviour, coach drivers in real-time on errors of judgement, and even relieve drivers from not-at-fault accidents or crash-for-cash scams. Forward video monitoring has not been completely adopted as it is fairly new with an adoption rate of only 52% (many myths surrounding the telematics device could be to blame). 


Lane Departure Warning 


Lane departure warning (LDW) focuses on notifying drivers on whether it is safe to make lane movements. LDW utilizes video, laser and sometimes infrared sensors to monitor the lane markings on the road. When the vehicle begins to move out the lane without signaling, it automatically alerts the driver of their (sometimes unknown) movement with audio or visual alerts. This feature is impressive because it not only has an average adoption rate of 51.2% in fleets, but has been expanded to include lane keeping assist (LKA) – the technology that helps to ensure that drivers are staying in their lane by taking control of the vehicle if need be. 



Air Disc Brakes 


Another advanced driver assistance system that is used by fleets are air disc brakes. These brakes are designed to help reduce stopping distance by almost 40% which is extremely attractive for heavy and large trucks (as these types of vehicles often require more time to manually brake). Air disc brakes function by applying braking pressure continuously to allow for the vehicle to come to a complete stop more easily. This technology has an approximate 46.3% adoption rate in fleets. 


Collision Avoidance 


A wide-ranging category of ADAS technology that has an adoption rate of approximately 44.7% is collision avoidance. While there are numerous collision avoidance technologies, forward collision warning (FCW) and automatic emergency braking (AEB) are the most popular. As previously mentioned, both of these avoidance technologies work to decrease the likelihood of driving incidents involving collisions.


Adaptive Cruise Control 


As previously mentioned, adaptive cruise control or ACC, is a technology which utilizes radar and laser sensor innovation to judge, measure and anticipate the distance between the vehicle being driven, as well as surrounding vehicles. ACC focuses on adjusting the travelling speed according to how close or how far forward the system detects a vehicle to be. This ADAS technology has an adoption rate of 39.8%. 


Electronic Stability Control 


The ADAS technology with the lowest adoption rate that we will mention is electronic stability control (ESC). ESC utilizes sensors to monitor steering control and proactively watch whether the ability to steer will be lost. If steering is lost (sometimes in extreme maneuvers like sudden or sharp turns to avoid collision), ESC will apply individual brakes automatically. Applying the brakes individually to wheels can help course-correct the vehicles movement and in theory prevent the act of ‘spinning out’. 


Advanced Driver Assistance Systems


While there are numerous solutions available to help fleets, it’s important to highlight a tool that embodies a number of these features in one solution. This tool is the Samsara AI Dash Camera system which utilizes ADAS technology. Now, in addition to the standard Samsara dashcam features that fleets love, the camera solution will also offer the following: 

  • Forward collision warning
  • Unsafe following distance detection
  • Distraction driving detection


AI Dashcams With ADAS Technology Benefits

  • Receive multiple ADAS technologies and features in ONE easy-to-install device so you can see real-time results 
  • Lower the frequency of accidents while increasing the training opportunities 
  • Decrease the severity of driving incidents
  • Lower the costs related to accidents, driving incidents, and repairs 



Interested in learning more about Samsara dash camera solutions and their new innovative features? Contact us today! 

Choosing the Best Commercial Vehicle Camera Systems For Your Fleet

Most fleet managers have had a driver get into an accident at some point and dealing with the fallout can be maddening. It’s often difficult to know exactly what happened, and fleet managers want to trust their driver’s explanation, but that can be difficult to do in light of competing evidence.

The best thing for any fleet manager is to have eyes on the situation.
Luckily, there’s ZenduCAM; a commercial vehicle camera system that can address this problem. ZenduCAM integrates Smartwitness and MyGeotab to provide a flawless dual dash cam with GPS.

SmartWitness is a British company that utilizes technology it has developed in the UK, USA, and South Korea to lead the world in designing and manufacturing in-vehicle cameras. The company claims its equipment is in 200,000 vehicles around the world, driving 35 million miles per day. SmartWitness cameras have 170 degrees field of view to capture the entire front and peripheral views of a vehicle, and additional cameras can be installed to capture driver behavior and blind spots. The cameras can include microphones for audio recording to record driver behavior and the cameras also operate automatically and are resistant to tampering.

How do vehicle camera systems work?

The SmartWitness commercial vehicle camera system can be integrated with numerous other systems, including brakes, reverse, horns, taxi meters, stop arms, door locks, and more. GoFleet integrates SmartWitness cameras with the Geotab telematics system in order to maximize their benefits. Geotab utilizes GPS sensors to provide second-by-second tracking of a vehicle, including when the ignition is turned on, the trip distance and time, driving speed, and time spent idling. GoFleet collects all this data into one easy-to-use interface to give fleet managers a clear picture of what is happening at any given time, and that includes integrating the Geotab data with any number of other monitoring systems.


Integrated Vehicle CCTV Systems

Our integrated commercial vehicle camera system allows fleet managers to monitor fleet activity via live video streaming in desktop browser or mobile device. The cameras record the events surrounding an accident and that footage can be integrated with data from other sensors, in particular speed and braking. The combined data can usually clearly show who is at fault. This can protect against false accusations and fraudulent insurance claims.

ZenduCAM helps with a lot more than just accidents. The commercial vehicle camera system can be set to record entire the time before and after certain events. Examples of negative events that a fleet manager may want to record include speeding, idling, hard acceleration, and harsh braking. Fleet managers can set rules, like a maximum speed limit, and anytime those rules are violated the ZenduCAM system can automatically send footage of the violation to the fleet manager’s attention. This can greatly reduce disputes between drivers and managers. For example, a driver might claim that he was speeding just to pass another driver that was driving unsafely slow. The footage of the speeding event will usually either confirm or disprove the driver’s story. This video collected on driver behavior can be used to both proactively coach good driver behavior or be used to discipline bad drivers.

Worst Road Months of the Year: Are You Protected?

Any logistics company or fleet manager should be concerned about improving driver safety. Some of the worst road months of the year are during winter which is fast approaching. In winter months, snow, ice, poor visibility, and freezing temperatures can make driving hazardous and dangerous. The chances of road accidents in winter increase when you add distractions and poor driving habits to adverse weather conditions.

One way to protect drivers and improve road safety during the worst road months is to install a fleet camera system. One such device is the ZenduCam. This unit provides real-time, live streaming with 360-degree visibility and from inside the cab. This, along with electronic logging devices can greatly improve road safety.

Of course, the Canadian ELD Mandate requires all trucks to have ELDs by June 21, 2021, and they are compulsory in the U.S.

How can technological solutions such as the ZenduCam protect your drivers and improve road safety? You will find the answers to this question in this article.

Dangers of Driving in Winter

Statistics about the impact of weather on driving are very sobering.

The Canadian government released information in 2017 reporting a rise in the number of drivers involved in fatal crashes. Compared to the previous year, an increase of 69 fatalities brought the total of road deaths up to 985.

Also, CBC reported about worrying trends in the increase of fatal transport truck crashes. Many of these accidents could have been avoided by improving driver safety and road habits. The police also reported that 354 truck drivers were fined for distracted driving and 1,615 for breaking the speed limit.

The U.S. Department of Transportation also reports worrying statistics about wintertime driving. Over the 10 years between 2007 and 2016, snow, sleet, icy roads, slush, and fog were significant factors in 15% of all fatal crashes in the U.S.

How the ZenduCam System Helps Protect Drivers

Unfortunately, distractions can often affect fleet drivers on the road. While ELDs can record data on driving habits, an in-vehicle camera system can help to identify the reasons for poor driving behavior. A camera inside the truck cab can record if drivers have been eating, texting, or, worse still, nodding off while driving.

Of course, in-vehicle cameras in themselves can’t improve driving habits. However, they are a valuable resource for fleet managers to educate, train, and improve safety for their drivers.

Installing in-cab video surveillance in commercial vehicles such as buses, taxis, trucks, and other vehicle types can also protect drivers from criminal behavior. In the event of violence against a driver, HD footage is available for the police for investigation.

Protects your liability in case of an accident

Another protection the ZenduCam fleet solution offers is to document who was responsible for an accident. Setting up 4 cameras in a vehicle records the road in front of the vehicle, what is going on behind, and the driver’s response. This type of solution gives 360-degree visibility to get a clear picture of what caused the accident.

4 Camera Solution from ZenduCam
Improve Driver and Road safety with the ZenduCam Camera Solution from GoFleet

So, in cases of conflicting reports or disputed insurance claims, the clear HD footage of the incident can help exonerate your driver. This could save your company $1,000s in cases of disputed insurance claims or even protect drivers from criminal liability.

According to a driving association in the UK, dashcams can help to quickly resolve insurance disputes and reduce the instances of fraudulent claims.

How the ZenduCam Works

How does the integrated 4-camera system help to protect your drivers during the worst road months of the year?

Here is a possible scenario to demonstrate why having HD, 360-degree footage can protect your driver and company.

Let’s say a car traveling in the opposite direction overtakes another car and is in the lane directly in front of the truck. To avoid a collision, your driver takes necessary evasive action. However, an accident still occurs. Footage from the ZenduCam clearly shows what led up to the accident. It provides evidence for the authorities as to who was to blame for the incident.

Logging your driver’s activity at the time, the speed traveling, and the actions of other drivers mean that your driver and company are protected from liability.

ZenduCam System: Features and Benefits

The ZenduCam multi-camera solution works by continually recording footage in HD while driving.

However, this is not just a simple dashcam that is popular with car drivers. The sophisticated ZenduCam has a 3-axis G-sensor, panic button, microphone, and GPS receiver. This fully integrates with devices such as the GO9 vehicle tracking device to provide complete fleet management solutions.

Another benefit of installing the ZenduCam in commercial vehicles is that Geotab rules can trigger event recordings. Fleet managers can set up specific rules and receive recorded footage of any violations. This can include accidents, speeding, harsh driving events, and other violations. These events are automatically uploaded to the cloud which means that important events are never deleted and are always available when needed.

One of the biggest benefits of the ZenduCam multi-camera solution is to improve road safety. Fleet managers can monitor driving habits to promote responsible driving. Also, you can integrate the Mobileye collision avoidance system with the unit to offer even more protection.

Try the ZenduCam

Installing the ZenduCam in commercial vehicles is a small investment to protect your drivers, especially during winter months. This can save your company $1,000 by helping to promote better driving habits and prevent fraudulent insurance claims.

Contact u today for a free quote or demo to see how the ZenduCam can benefit your organization.

Why Some Commercial Vehicle Dashcams Fail

It’s no secret – having commercial vehicle dashcams is the industry norm. Frequently, there are stories about how dashcams reduce liability, simplify insurance claims, and train employees.

However, what about some of the other stories? Some companies experienced challenges on their first commercial vehicle dashcams. From faulty hardware to internal politics, their projects failed because of multiple roadblocks.

In this post, let’s review why some commercial vehicle dashcams fail and how companies can avoid these roadblocks.

Hardware issues

The #1 concern for all dashcams is if it works. “The cameras worked well for the first few months,” wrote an online reviewer. “Then, after a few months, we got in an accident. We only learned that the camera stopped recording footage after the accident!”

Unfortunately, the reviewer experienced the worst-case scenario – the camera was useless when it was most needed! Some common hardware issues include broken SD cards and ports.

How to avoid this issue?

Camera reputation. Purchasers must “screen” dashcams. Screening involves reviewing the camera vendor’s history or looking for references. Typically, the best hardware comes from vendors with multiple years of experience and with positive user reviews.

Trial program. Of course, the best way to evaluate cameras is to try them! Many vendors have a trial program on dashcams for commercial vehicles. As a result, purchasers can test cameras on a portion of their fleet before rolling out the entire product line.

Software support

In addition to hardware, the software makes up the second half of dashcam systems. As such, buggy software and poor support often lead to unsuccessful dashcam rollouts.

“Customer support is important,” said a purchasing manager. “Technology will always have bugs and glitches. However, the key question if we will receive good support when these issues arise.”

How to avoid this issue?

Onboarding. Although many dashcams are user-friendly, it is highly recommended to go through a vendor’s onboarding process. Most vendors offer free training to ensure that the database is correctly set up and to teach administrators on how to use the program.

Communication. Also, after installation and onboarding, many companies offer continuous support. For example, camera support teams work with their clients to retrieve certain footages and solve technical glitches. Therefore, successful camera rollouts often involve good communication between the customer and the camera provider.


As strange as it sounds, sabotage is another reason for why camera projects fail.

Unfortunately, some companies experienced cases where drivers tampered with the camera. For instance, one company caught drivers who taped over camera lenses. In another company, managers discovered that some drivers removed and threw away SD cards.

How to avoid this issue?

Tamper-proof hardware. One of the best ways to eliminate tampering is to install tamper-proof hardware. For instance, some cameras are hard mounted and have SD card locks.

Cybersecurity. On the software side, there should be strong cybersecurity. “Cybersecurity was an important purchasing factor,” a purchasing manager said. “We wanted to leave no room for error so we only looked at secured cloud systems that had backup systems.”

Internal politics

Similar to sabotage, office politics can destroy a camera project from the inside. Commercial vehicle dashcams might not enjoy universal support. For instance, in one company, some drivers were concerned that cameras were “Big Brother” and threatened to quit. As a result, their managers decided not to invest in dashcams in fear of upsetting their drivers.

How to avoid this issue?

Education. Despite backlash from some drivers, a lot of drivers embrace dashcams after installation. “I think dashcams are great,” said a driver. “We’ve got some bad drivers on the road and unfortunately people always seem to point fingers at company drivers. I feel more comfortable knowing that I have a device that records what really happened.” Thus, managers are more successful when they educate drivers on how dashcams protect good drivers.

Commercial vehicle dashcams does not meet business needs

The last reason is that the system does not meet business needs. Consider the following trucking company.

The truck company’s biggest challenge was that their trucks traveled on the road for several weeks. They invested in dashcams but it was a poor fit. Since the dashcams did not wirelessly upload clips, the company needed to wait until the trucks returned to the yard in order to get the clips.

How to avoid this issue?

Business analysis. Business analysis is the process of identifying business needs and finding solutions. In the case of the trucking company, they should have identified their lengthy road schedule and matched it with a wirelessly uploading camera system.

Double checking on product specifications? Click here to get answers to FAQS on ZenduCAM!

Best Dashcam Stories Over the Last Year

Here’s an interesting stat. According to studies, company drivers were not responsible for over 80% of crashes. Because they protect good drivers, dashcams are becoming more popular for both businesses and private drivers. People are coming up with creative uses for dashcams. Here are some of the best dashcam stories from last year.

best dashcam stories 2017

Personal driver protection – from insurance claims to muggings!

Many personal drivers use dashcams. For example, almost a third of Canadians already have or are considering dashcams. The craziest thing is a third of the population isn’t even a big number! In some countries, almost everyone has a dashcam. For example, in Russia, a lot of drivers own dashcams and some of them share their videos on YouTube.

Why do private drivers use dashcams?

Insurance benefits

False claim protection is one of the biggest reasons for getting dashcams. Many drivers were able to prove that they were not responsible for crashes. As a result, they were completely excused by their insurance companies and their insurance rates were protected.


Sadly, some places around the world are known for car muggings. In response, drivers are encouraged to buy dashcams. Audio recording and HD footage quality are two of the best dashcam features to protect drivers against muggers.

After buying these dashcams, owners labeled their cars to indicate that their car is protected and to warn off muggers

Ontario Professional Drivers’ Safety Association

John De Groot believes that people can have safer roads. Consequently, he made that the number one goal of his organization. “We wanted to put safety back in the industry and promote it,” said De Groot.

His idea involves using a multi-channel camera solution. He and other commercial drivers installed these cameras. When the cameras catch someone driving dangerously or illegally, De Groot and the other drivers will share that footage with the police.

The vision is to clean up the roads. “It’s not trying to invade privacy,” said De Groot. “It’s to protect the public”. For instance, the best dashcam footages will be saved and sent to driving schools or commercial companies. These footages will help driving schools and companies better train their drivers.

Ontario Professional Drivers’ Safety Association

Teaching driving schools how to teach their students

Dashcams are also helping driving schools teach their drivers. Two use cases include route replays and education audits.

Route replays

The best way for new drivers to learn is by getting them to correct their mistakes. “One of the biggest challenges for an instructor is to get students to realize that they are making a mistake,” said a driving instructor. “Some students don’t notice that they are making a mistake, while other students get defensive!”.

Dashcams are a great way to break down the barrier. “My students can now follow their routes and see all of their mistakes.” said the instructor. “In addition, some of the best dashcam models tell students when they were driving too fast or when they weren’t driving smoothly. My students got noticeably better after reviewing the footages and a lot of them passed their driving tests on the first go.”

routes replays

Education audits

Driving schools are also able use dashcams to audit their instructors. “We were disappointed to hear complaints about some of our instructors”, said a driving school owner. “Our biggest mission is to create a comfortable and safe environment for our students. We started using live streaming dashcams in 2017 to ensure our instructors were meeting expectations.”

In order to audit instructors, schools used multi-channel cameras. Multi-channel cameras have multiple views and managers saw what was happening both on the road and in the car. As a result, schools were able to give instructors feedback on their teaching skills.

Check out our top 10 best dashcam feature list to read more about cameras!

CBC: Smile – you’re on trucker camera! Drivers outfitting tractor-trailers with cameras to capture bad behaviour
Huffpost: Dash Cams May Help You Keep Your Auto Insurance Rates Low

Top 10 Dash Camera Features

Dash cameras are one of the fastest growing gadgets. Drivers are realizing that dash cameras protect them from accident liability. In addition, businesses are realizing that dash cameras are the next big trend for fleet safety. Accordingly, let’s determine the best camera solutions by navigating through the top 10 dash camera features.

In no particular order, here are our top 10 dash camera features!


1- High-quality hardware

Camera quality is one of the most important features. Dash cameras have a huge cost range, all with different quality levels. Some are $100. Others are well over $1000. It all comes down to if the cameras will work. Nothing is worse than having a broken camera when footage is needed!

Accordingly, it’s important to consider the camera’s reviews, manufacturer, and warranty. The best cameras should have no red flags.

2 – Live streaming

Live streaming is important for businesses. Businesses use live streaming to check if drivers are following rules or to train drivers in real time. For instance, one manager used live stream to check if drivers were wearing their uniform.

3 – HD video

Video quality should be clear for reviews. HD video quality is a must because lower quality cameras might not be able to catch things like license plates.

4 – Incident-Based Recording

Let’s say a driver gets in an accident and needs to review footage. What happens next? A lot of cameras require the driver to take out the SD card and review footage on the computer. They would then need to find the exact moment where the accident happened.

Incident-based recording is a much more efficient process. Dash cameras with this feature detect accidents and filters the footage. As a result, users do not need to review hours of useless footage.

5 – GPS Integration

Businesses love GPS integration. GPS devices measure things like driver location and driving habits. A recent trend is to connect that data to video footage.

For example, let’s say a manager needs footage of when drivers are at a specific site. This can be done with an integrated system! The manager would first enter that location into the system. From here, the GPS detects when drivers arrive at the location and then tells the camera to record and save footage.

6 – Panic Button

The last two features let drivers and managers save footages. What if drivers need to save footage? Some dash cameras have a panic button. When a driver presses the button, the camera saves footage for before and after that time.

7 – Cloud storage

A common concern is the camera’s storage space. Many cameras have limited space because they only rely on SD cards. SD cards need to be wiped when it’s full in order to record new footage.

Cloud storage is another way to store data. This feature is handy if a user wants unlimited storage. In this process, important footages from crashes, GPS rules or panic buttons are saved online. People are then able to dig up saved footage from many, many years ago!

8 – Wireless uploads

A related concern to cloud storage is how the footage gets online. This is usually done by one of the following two ways.

The first way is a manual upload. Owners need to eject the SD card, plug it into a computer and then save it online.

Alternatively, the second way is through wireless uploads. Wireless uploads are much easier than manual uploads. Cameras with this feature can upload videos to wifi. It is also important for large companies, where drivers can remotely upload footage instead of traveling to headquarters.

9 – Tamper-free

Tamper-free cameras are another important business feature. A recent problem is that some company drivers tamper with camera footage. In one company, a driver got in an at-fault accident. The driver ejected and destroyed the SD card.

In order to prevent tampering, some cameras are tamper-free. For example, certain cameras lock the SD card slot with a key. The key, which would be kept by the manager, is required to eject the card.

10 – Expandability

Is it enough to have dash cameras? Some people say no because they need multiple cameras. Some dash cameras allow owners to add side and back cameras. As a result of setting up multiple cameras, incidents can be recreated from every single angle.

Did you enjoy our top 10 dash camera features list? Take a look a ZenduCam, which includes all of the top 10 dash camera features!

Grand View Research: Dashboard Camera Market Worth $1.84 Billion By 2022