On the Move: Prioritizing Mental Health in Fleet Operations

This April is Stress Awareness Month, emphasizing the importance of mental well-being. While this month is widely recognized in North America and the UK, it’s an opportunity for organizations everywhere to address stress in fleet drivers, and the mental pressures they face. 

Research from road safety charity Brake shows a 6% increase in stress and anger among drivers since the onset of the pandemic, correlating these negative emotions with riskier driving behaviors such as harsher acceleration and less focus on driving tasks

We’ve also learned that  75% of truck drivers report their job as mentally and physically stressful, which increases the fatigue they experience, as well as accident risks​.

From exhaustive schedules to the solitude of long hauls, these challenges can affect not only the health of your drivers, but also the safety and operational efficiency of your fleets.

In this post, we will explore how to recognize signs of stress among drivers, what resources are available to support mental health, and policies that can cultivate a supportive workplace and foster a healthier, more engaged driving force.

What Does Stress in Fleet Drivers Look Like?

The following factors, combined with the critical responsibility of ensuring safety at all times, can lead to high levels of stress in fleet drivers:

Extended Working Hours: Truck drivers often endure exceptionally long shifts. According to FMCSA regulations, they’re permitted to drive for 11 consecutive hours and may remain in their vehicles for up to 14 hours daily before their shift concludes. This duration exceeds the usual eight-hour workday considerably.

Isolation: The bulk of a truck driver’s day is spent in solitude, despite occasional interactions at truck stops during breaks. Extended periods away from family and friends can significantly impact their emotional and psychological health.

Variable Schedules: The nature of trucking jobs means that schedules are often inconsistent, with shifts varying based on available hauls and delivery deadlines. Such irregularity can disrupt regular sleep patterns, complicating efforts to maintain a consistent routine.

Physical Demands: Truck driving involves more than just operating the vehicle; drivers frequently handle the loading and unloading of cargo, adding physical strain to their roles.

Access to Nutrition and Physical Activity: Limited dietary options on the road, often restricted to fast and convenience foods, and minimal exercise opportunities can adversely affect a driver’s physical and subsequently mental health.

What Are the Signs of Stress Among Drivers?

For example, management can proactively schedule regular check-ins with drivers, provide mental health education, and ensure that drivers have access to professional support if needed.

Identifying the early signs of stress in fleet drivers is essential for timely intervention. Early recognition can help fleet managers implement support systems to prevent stress from escalating into more serious mental health issues. 

Stress can manifest in both physical and emotional symptoms that can affect a driver’s ability to perform safely and efficiently. The Mayo Clinic says that recognizing these signs early can be crucial in managing stress effectively.

Physical Signs of Stress:

  • Fatigue: Drivers may report feeling constantly tired, regardless of how much rest they get.
  • Changes in appetite: Stress can lead to significant changes in eating habits, whether eating too much or too little.
  • Headaches and muscle tension: Frequent headaches or muscle pains, especially in the neck and back, can be indicators of prolonged stress.
  • Sleep disturbances: Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, and not feeling rested after sleep, are common signs of stress.

Emotional Signs of Stress:

  • Irritability or moodiness: Small issues may provoke significant irritation or mood swings.
  • Anxiety: Excessive worrying about schedules, safety, or job security can be a sign of stress.
  • Decreased interest in work: A loss of motivation or pleasure in work activities, which were previously engaging.
  • Withdrawal: Social withdrawal or isolation from colleagues can also be a significant red flag.

What Are Some Tips for Self-Monitoring and Mutual Support?

Recognizing the signs of stress not only helps in managing the well-being of drivers but also fosters a supportive community within the fleet. This proactive approach ensures that drivers feel valued and supported, contributing to overall job satisfaction and safety:

  • Self-Monitoring Techniques:
      • Keep a journal: Drivers can track their mood and any symptoms of stress daily to recognize patterns.
      • Mindfulness and breathing exercises: Regular practice can help drivers manage stress and monitor their emotional state.
      • Regular health check-ups: These can help identify physical symptoms of stress early.
  • Support Among Colleagues:
    • Check-ins: Establish a routine where drivers check in with each other to discuss their mental state in a supportive environment.
    • Stress awareness training: Training sessions that help colleagues recognize signs of stress in others can be invaluable.
    • Create an open environment: Encourage open discussions about stress and mental health without stigma, especially with coaches or driving mentors to talk about stressors and how to mitigate them

Are There Mental Health Resources for Fleet Drivers?

Maintaining mental health is as crucial as physical health; fortunately, there are a number of resources to support drivers, ranging from counseling services to digital tools and emergency helplines. Additionally, partnerships with mental health organizations can offer tailored support to those in the transportation industry.

Counseling Services:

  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): Many companies provide EAPs that offer free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees who have personal and/or work-related problems.
  • Local Mental Health Clinics: Community mental health clinics often provide counseling services at a reduced rate or on a sliding scale based on income.

Mental Health Apps:

  • Headspace: This app offers guided meditations that can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus, and promote restful sleep.
  • Calm: Another popular app, Calm provides meditation techniques, sleep stories, and breathing programs to help users manage anxiety and lower stress levels.

Emergency Helplines:

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Available 24/7, this helpline provides free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources. A full list of suicide prevention hotlines worldwide can be found here.
  • Crisis Text Line: By texting “HOME” to 741741, fleet drivers in the U.S. can receive immediate support from trained Crisis Counselors.

Industry-Specific Partnerships:

Organizations often collaborate with mental health professionals to create programs that specifically address the challenges faced by drivers. These initiatives are designed not only to help drivers deal with the immediate issues but also to provide them with tools for long-term mental health management.

How Can I Create Policies for Mental Health in My Fleet Operations?

Implementing robust company policies that promote mental health wellness is essential in creating a supportive environment and reducing stress in fleet drivers. These policies not only benefit the employees by safeguarding their mental health but also enhance the overall productivity and safety of the company’s operations.

Examples of Effective Policies:

  • Flexible Schedules:
      • Allowing drivers some flexibility in their schedules can help them better manage stress and fatigue. This could include options for start times, the choice of routes, or more control over workloads.
  • Mandatory Breaks:
      • Implementing mandatory breaks during shifts helps prevent burnout and fatigue. These breaks should be long enough to allow drivers to rest, eat, and relax, helping them to recharge before continuing their journey.
  • Mental Health Days:
      • Providing mental health days without penalty enables drivers to take time off when they feel overwhelmed or stressed. This policy acknowledges the importance of mental health and encourages drivers to take care of their mental well-being without fear of repercussions.
  • Regular Mental Health Training and Awareness Programs:
      • Conducting regular training sessions and awareness programs about mental health can help destigmatize mental health issues within the workplace. These programs can educate employees and management on the signs of mental health problems and how to approach them supportively.
  • Access to Professional Mental Health Resources:
    • Offering subscriptions to mental health services such as counseling or therapy apps, or providing contacts for local mental health professionals, ensures that drivers have easy access to professional help when needed.

How Can I Create a Supportive Work Environment?

Drivers aren’t always on the road. Fostering a work environment that values mental health is crucial for the well-being and productivity of all employees, including those on the road. Here are some strategies to support the overall health of an organization:

  1. Regular Check-Ins:
  • Implement regular one-on-one check-ins between drivers and their managers. These should be informal and friendly conversations where drivers feel safe to discuss any stressors or challenges they are experiencing.
  1. Training for Managers on Mental Health Awareness:
  • Provide specialized training for managers to recognize signs of mental health issues and equip them with the necessary tools to respond appropriately. This training should also cover how to initiate conversations about mental health in a non-invasive manner.
  1. Channels for Anonymous Feedback:
  • Establish a system where drivers can provide feedback anonymously. This could be about their mental health concerns or suggestions for improving workplace culture. An anonymous feedback mechanism encourages openness and can provide valuable insights into the overall mental health of the workforce.
  1. Promote Work-Life Balance:
  • Encourage drivers to maintain a healthy work-life balance by setting realistic expectations about work hours and providing sufficient downtime between shifts.

Final Thoughts

Creating a mentally healthy workplace is an investment in the future—a forward-thinking approach that yields significant benefits, including reduced absenteeism, lower turnover, and a stronger reputation. Companies that prioritize their drivers’ mental well-being are setting a standard in the industry and paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient operation.

Now is the ideal time for companies to review and update their mental health policies. Consider the strategies discussed, and how they can be implemented or improved within your own organization.

5 Ways That Telematics Boosts Fleet Safety

5 Ways That Telematics Boosts Fleet Safety

According to Trucks.com, driving heavy vehicles is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, accounting for over a quarter of all work-related deaths in 2015. From long hours and isolation to fatigue and poor judgment, there are so many factors at play when it comes to fleet safety; with the industry becoming more competitive, these dangers are likely to increase.

Investing in telematics technology can enable fleet managers to monitor driving behaviour, locate vehicles in real-time and help prevent problems before they start. 

In this article, we’ll list the top five ways that telematics can connect your commercial fleet and help you make safer decisions for your vehicles, drivers and assets.

1. Address Driver Fatigue

Fatigue is a major risk for all drivers on the road. It’s common for drivers to work outside of their hours of service, either due to personal drive, a change in route or tight deadlines. Either way, fatigue means that a driver’s reaction time and judgment can be significantly impaired.

According to a prominent study by the FMCSA and NHTSA, driver fatigue was found to be a critical factor in at least 13% of accidents involving commercial vehicles. Research even shows that driving for 20 straight hours creates impairment equal to a blood alcohol content of 0.08% – the legal limit in most states.

Telematics systems are equipped with a range of features and functions designed to give fleet managers the data insights they need to monitor their drivers’ fatigue levels.

For example, electronic logging devices (ELD’s) make it easy for operators to properly record their hours, while real-time tracking can ensure that no one is on the road longer than they should be. In addition, ELD’s enable fleet managers to communicate directly with drivers, ensuring they’re safe and complying with regional safety guidelines while on the road.

2. Reduce Speeding

Truck drivers are often tasked with high expectations and short delivery windows; it’s not hard to see how this combination can result in speeding.

The World Health Organization identifies speeding as a contributing factor to about 30% of total road fatalities in high-income countries. The risk of death from collisions is raised even higher when large vehicles are involved, which weigh 20 to 30 times as much as a standard passenger car. Commercial vehicles represent a major risk to both drivers, their cargo, and other motorists.

A telematics platform gives fleet managers in-depth insight into their drivers’ habits and overall performance on the road. Metrics such as speed, acceleration and brake rates can all be recorded and reviewed, making it easy to identify and correct risky driving behaviours.

3. Manage Vehicle Safety

Large commercial vehicles can be a risk on the road, even when operated safely. Their size and weight make them difficult to maneuver, and their cargo can pose additional dangers if not properly secured, all of which can lead to accidents. 

A recent NHTSA study found that 20% of traffic accidents can be attributed to poor or irregular vehicle maintenance.

By regularly inspecting and servicing fleet vehicles, managers and operators can ensure they’re in good working order and won’t pose any unnecessary risks.

Telematics can make the process of vehicle maintenance easier by automatically tracking and recording data related to a vehicle’s performance. These robust reports can then be used to identify any potential issues early on, and prevent unplanned downtime.

4.  Improve Driver Communication

Effective communication is crucial for any business, but it’s especially important in the world of trucking, where drivers and fleet managers rarely get to connect in person. The isolated nature of the job means that it can be hard to relay important information or resolve issues that may come up.

Thankfully, many telematics solutions come equipped with two-way messaging systems that enable real-time communication between the two parties. This can be used to share information, answer questions or resolve any issues that may come up.

5. Create Safety Culture in the Workplace

Having access to accurate telematics data can help fleet managers and operators create a safe, responsible work culture, from the top down. 

Upper management can leverage telematics data to reduce fleet costs, ensure compliance and streamline work processes. 

Drivers can be made aware of their hours of service, while maintenance personnel can help them with regular vehicle maintenance. 

Managers can oversee their fleet operations remotely, checking on their drivers periodically to ensure they’re alert, safe and on course. 

While you can’t change the road, you can improve fleet safety. Telematics can help manage driver fatigue, reduce speeding and maintain vehicle safety, so you can help keep your drivers – and everyone else on the road – safe.

Contact your GoFleet consultant to see how telematics can improve fleet safety.




Road Accidents: 7 Statistics You Shouldn't Ignore

Road Accidents: 7 Statistics You Shouldn’t Ignore

Fleet managers can’t create a culture of safety within their organization without first acknowledging the role that road accidents plays in their day-to-day operations.

There is an alarming increase of late in road accidents; on average, collisions cost fleet companies up to $75,000 in associated damages and it seems the numbers are climbing.

With this in mind, many companies are opting to implement measures to mitigate and ensure both driver and vehicle safety. In this article, we’ll discuss the unsettling numbers, facts and statistics with regards to road safety that should give you pause.

1. Drivers Who Have Previous Infractions are More Likely to be Involved in Fatal Road Accidents

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has reported that a staggering 21% of large truck drivers who had a prior record of non-fatal collisions were involved in fatal road accidents in 2020. 

What’s more, 19% of all drivers involved in deadly incidents had at least one speeding violation on their record.

2. Large Trucks Make Up 9% of Vehicles Involved in Deadly Collisions

It may not come as a surprise, but large trucks currently account for over 9% of vehicles involved in fatal crashes on the road, according to the National Safety Council (NSC). The same report says that these incidents caused a total of 107,000 injuries and 4,842 fatalities in 2020 alone.

Of those who died, 17% were the occupants of a truck, 71% of passenger vehicles and 12% cyclists or pedestrians. The majority of fatalities (63%) occurred during daylight hours as well,  which goes to show that truck safety is an issue that impacts everyone, day or night.

3. Over 1.35 Million People Die in Road Collisions Every Year

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 1.35 million people die each year as a result of crashes, with young males representing the majority of fatalities. 

The WHO also reports that traffic accidents are currently the leading cause of death among people aged between 15-29 years old.

These accidents are also the eighth leading cause of death globally for all age groups, a rank that the WHO predicts will rise to seventh place by the year 2030.

4. Speeding is Directly Linked to a Higher Likelihood of Death in Road Collisions

There is a direct correlation between speeding and death as a result of an auto collision. So much so in fact, that the WHO reports that for every 1% a driver increases speed over the limit, there is an associated 3% increase in the severity of a potential crash and a 4% higher likelihood of it resulting in death.

To put this into context, your risk of dying in a crash would increase by 40% just by going 10 kilometres faster in a 100 km/h zone.

5. Road Accidents Will Cost the Global Economy $1.8 Trillion by the Year 2030

Road crashes aren’t just deadly – they’re expensive too. 

According to the US Center for Disease Control (CDC), both non-fatal and fatal collisions cost the global economy the equivalent of a yearly tax rate of 0.12%. This is expected to amount to a total of $1.8 trillion by the year 2030.

On a smaller but no less significant scale, road accidents cost companies tens of thousands of dollars in replacement vehicles, insurance premiums and liability suits

It’s estimated that a collision can cost somewhere between $16,000-$75,000, and those numbers can skyrocket if there’s a death involved.

6. Almost Half of Road Fatalities Involve Cases in Which Occupants Were Not Wearing Seat belts

Despite the implementation of seat belt laws in the 1960s, nearly 10% of Americans do not use them, according to 2021 NHTSA data. 

Findings show that 47 percent of all road fatalities in the United States involved cases where passengers were not wearing seat belts, and that 55 percent of people killed at night were also without seat belts on.

Approximately 7% of Canadians don’t wear seat belts, according to Transport Canada, which accounts for 40% of deaths in road collisions.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration adds that airbags are built to protect people wearing a seat belt in their seats correctly. The force of an airbag inflating could harm or kill you if you are not properly buckled up.

7. Distracted Drivers Are up to Four Times More Likely to be Involved in Road Accidents

It’s no secret that distracted driving is a major problem on the roads, but just how big of an issue is it?

According to the CAA, distracted drivers are up to four times more likely to be involved in a collision than those who are not distracted. The CAA lists things like talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to passengers, fiddling with the music, and even daydreaming as distractions that could lead to an accident. 

In fact, taking your eyes off the road for as little as two seconds can double your risk of crashing.

The good news? Knowledge is power. There will always be risks associated with your fleet on the road, but an ounce of prevention and rigorous attention to safety can help you and your drivers prevent accidents before they happen.

international roadcheck, fleet,

The 2021 Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) International Roadcheck

Every year the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) organizes an International Roadcheck in North America to conduct compliance, enforcement and education initiatives. This year, the roadcheck is set to occur over a 72-hour period from Tuesday May 4, 2021 until Thursday May 6, 2021. With the International Roadcheck quickly approaching, it’s critical for carriers to ensure that their fleets are prepared. 


CVSA’s International RoadCheck Details

The quickly approaching roachcheck is promoted as a reminder to motor carriers and drivers of sometimes forgotten vehicle and driving practices, in addition to raising awareness of the North American Standard Inspection Program. By dedicating 72 hours where roadchecks will happen more often to check the vehicle and driver, it is aimed to help show the importance of proactive vehicle maintenance and driver readiness to keep roads safe.

It is important to note that this year’s International Roadcheck will also focus on checking the operating credentials, hours-of-service documentation, seat belt usage and alcohol or drug impairment. 


What Drivers Can Expect 

From May 4-6, 2021, drivers can expect to see an increased number of roadcheck inspections while on route. These inspections will focus on standard checks to ensure that vehicles are safe to drive in addition to the driver abiding to driving regulations. These inspections will be conducted by CVSA-certified inspectors and will target various elements of motor carrier, vehicle and driver safety. 

Vehicles will undergo inspections to check for vehicle inspection item violations and will include the following, as listed by the CVSA’s “International Roadcheck Set for May 4-6 with Emphasis on Lighting and Hours of Service” update: 

“Inspectors will ensure the vehicle’s brake systems, cargo securement, coupling devices, driveline/driveshaft components, driver’s seat, exhaust systems, frames, fuel systems, lighting devices, steering mechanisms, suspensions, tires, van and open-top trailer bodies, wheels, rims, hubs and windshield wipers are compliant with regulations. Inspections of motorcoaches, passenger vans and other passenger-carrying vehicles also include emergency exits, electrical cables and systems in the engine and battery compartments, and seating.

If violations are found, inspectors are able to place vehicles out-of-service as outlined in the North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria. If this happens, the vehicle cannot be placed back in service until the out-of-service conditions have been corrected.

If no violations are found and the inspection is passed successfully, a CVSA decal will be provided. By obtaining a CVSA decal, the vehicle will not be required to be re-inspected for three months for which the decal is valid.


How To Prepare 

In the days leading up to the International Roadcheck, it’s important for carriers to prepare their team. In addition to notifying drivers of the event and the high possibility of a roadcheck while on route, it is critical for the following to happen: 

  • Ensure that drivers are conducting DVIR (Driver Vehicle Inspection Report) checks properly and thoroughly 
  • Ensure that drivers know how to record and display HOS (hours-of-service) information as per their fleets’ regulation requirements (paper logs or electronic logging devices)
  • Share the North American Standard Roadside Inspection Vehicle Cheat Sheet as provided by the CVSA for drivers to review 

If you would like to learn how GoFleet can help your fleet pass roadside inspections with advanced telematics solutions, contact us today! With a variety of solutions available that are designed to help drivers remain safe by following rules and regulations on the road, we’re confident we have something that can help your fleet.

safety-driven, telematics, fleet, technology,

Safety-Driven Technologies And Strategies Your Fleet Needs

The pandemic has drastically changed nearly every aspect of our lives. As Governments worldwide introduced lockdown measures aimed at curbing the coronavirus transmission, our cities will never look the same as before. People choose to spend more time at home, resulting in less traffic on roads. Knowing this you might be thinking that emptier streets usually translates to safer conditions for all road users, but data has shown that this is not the case. In the United States, early data indicates a 14% jump in fatality rates per distance driven in March 2020, according to the National Safety Council (NSC). Data also suggests rising speeding, harsh cornering and reckless driving activities since the beginning of the pandemic. The question is, why do we see a jump in dangerous driving behaviours during the pandemic despite our roads being emptier? What factors contribute to this change, and how could we refocus on road safety during high accident periods?

For businesses, aggressive driving behaviours are the leading contributing factors to roadway accidents and collisions, which can have a detrimental effect on a business’s operations. Any roadway accident could result in workers injuries and businesses paying out hefty fines, compensations or insurance premiums, which can be devastating to a business’s financial status in the long run. There is no doubt that companies should devote every effort and uphold a strong safety culture to maintain a safe workplace and protect all vehicle operator’s safety. In light of the pandemic, businesses need to preserve cash flow to secure corporations financial viability and cannot afford any operational mistakes or unnecessary spending. Cracking down on fleet drivers aggressive driving behaviours is the most effective way to reduce road accidents and cut down costs incurred from accidents. However, it requires a strategic and systematic approach to build the foundation for a sustainable and robust fleet safety culture. 

We also cannot neglect the fact that humans are not perfect. Even the most cautious drivers can make mistakes that may put them and the company’s assets at risk. This is why businesses and fleet managers need to supply drivers with the right tools to serve as an extra pair of eyes on the road, protecting them from any immediate road danger. There is a wide range of vehicle safety-driven products on the market, but telematics stands the test of time and brings the best of technology to life. A unique integrated approach allows telematics to combine the power of multiple types of safety-driven technology from eye-tracking, vehicle sensing and advanced camera technology, creating one streamlined set-up that provides the ultimate all-around safety support every company is looking for. We will showcase how telematics can power your fleet operations so that fleet managers never need to worry about operation safety again. 


The Dangers Of A False Sense Of Security

A false sense of security might explain why we see an increase in aggressive driving behaviours during the pandemic. Drivers are already used to congested roadways and slow traffic in urban areas prior to the pandemic. Now, under government-issued stay-at-home orders, there is a significant reduction in traffic on urban roads and highways. This inevitably causes many drivers who still need to travel to believe that emptier roads translate to easier and more comfortable driving conditions. They feel that less traffic means a much safer driving environment since the chances of encountering heavy traffic is greatly reduced. This false sense of security makes drivers believe that they are safe when they are actually not. The moment they decide to speed and commit other dangerous driving behaviours, they are not only putting themselves at high risk but also threatening the safety of other road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists. 


How To Build A Robust Fleet Safety Solution With Safety-Driven Technology?

In commercial fleet operations, this false sense of security cannot be tolerated.  Drivers may argue that speeding will help them to complete their work faster, but when an accident happens, the adverse impacts will far exceed what many companies can endure. The additional costs that resulted from the accident are just one side of the story, where many business owners underestimate how much an accident could hurt a business’ brand image and reputation. Imagine that a logistics freight truck is transporting an important load of time-sensitive critical shipments, and the vehicle got involved in an accident due to the drivers aggressive driving behaviours and careless driving. In this case, the shipment might get delayed or damaged, causing for a late delivery and an unhappy customer. Thus, in many ways, reinforcing safety-driven practices within the fleet is an important pillar to help your business secure customer loyalty and create a positive brand image. 

Establishing strong safety-driven practices within the organization and building an extensive driver training program is just one step in shaping a zero-incident culture. In today’s world, businesses face increasingly challenging and complex tasks, which require some of the most innovative solutions to address the most pivotal concerns. 


Live In-Vehicle Verbal Driver Feedback: Tailored Coaching, Perfect Driving

Wouldn’t it be great if every driver gets a virtual personalized safety assistant to provide live verbal instructions and reminders in helping them perform safe operations? If drivers forget to buckle up their seat belt prior to starting up the engine, our assistant will promptly remind drivers to do so. If drivers went over the posted speed limit, our assistant would ask the drivers to immediately slow down. This kind of seamless experience can only be found on the telematics device, and it takes your fleet driver coaching program and daily operations to the next level. 

State of the art spoken alert system uses real-time text-to-speech to issue messages to drivers if a user-defined violation has been triggered. This gives fleet managers the ability to tailor the system by setting up custom rules in the telematics platform. For example, fleet managers may want vehicles to slow down in specific areas, such as at the warehouse loading bay. Traditionally, they could only rely upon drivers to follow the posted speed limit, which in many cases, drivers may not notice the signs or just ignore them. But with in-vehicle verbal driver feedback systems, fleet managers can set up custom rules such as drivers must not drive vehicles at speeds higher than a certain threshold in the warehouse zone to restrict drivers’ behaviours in any geographical setting. Now, when drivers enter or travel within the warehouse zone at any speed higher than the predefined metrics set up in the system, the in-vehicle verbal driver feedback system will warn the drivers to slow down and record a rule violation if drivers continuously disregard the warning. Any rule violation will also trigger the system to send out a notification to fleet managers and record the event on file. 

We keep the device installation process of the in-vehicle verbal driver feedback system extremely simple with minimal work required. Just plug it directly into the compatible tracking device and it will become a driver’s best safety companion on the road. 


Collision Avoidance Technology: Your Extra Eye On The Road

We have spent a long time pursuing the answer these important questions: What can we do to save drivers lives at the most critical moment? When drivers face imminent danger, what can we do to best protect them and maximize their survival chances? We know that the few seconds before any collision or accident are absolutely crucial, and the driver’s actions and responses could make the difference between life or death. That’s why we want to adopt the most advanced vision sensing technology to create the last safety barrier drivers can trust.

The collision avoidance technology uses cameras, radars and sophisticated software algorithms to detect objects ahead. Blending with computational power, the collision avoidance system actively and continuously scans the road ahead, analyzes the vehicle’s surrounding environment and identifies probable and imminent hazards and threats. When a threat has been detected, the system is safety-driven and instantly issues both a visual and audible alert to warn drivers of probable danger. Compared to vehicles that were not equipped with collision avoidance technology, the equipped vehicles earns driver’s a few more valuable seconds to respond to immediate dangers, which prove to be life-saving and decisive in protecting the driver safety. 

The collision avoidance solutions are a form of safety-driven technology that can be used in more ways than just detecting objects around the vehicles. It has the capability of warning drivers when it detects the vehicle is about to cross the lane boundary without signaling to switch lanes. Other than detecting surrounding vehicles, the system can also detect pedestrians and cyclists, making it one of the most versatile safety tools that perfectly fit the urban road setting. We want our system to fit in your businesses workflows, and that’s why our system works in all weather conditions and has night vision capabilities for accident avoidance in any situation. 

The reduced traffic on roads during the pandemic might cause drivers to drop their guard and commit dangerous behaviours. Businesses cannot overlook the risks hidden behind their drivers unsafe driving behaviours. Though strengthening the corporation’s safety culture and practices is an important step in reducing the risks, equipping your fleet with the most advanced safety-driven technologies can further eliminate the chances of accidents and cut down the burden that accidents may cause to your business. Speak with one of our fleet safety specialists to learn more about how we can help your business to achieve zero accident fleet targets. 


Dangerous Driving

Why A False Sense Of Security May Put Fleets At Risk For Dangerous Driving

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a drastic impact on people’s everyday life and businesses’ operations. Because of the “shelter-in-place” order and travel restrictions imposed by the government, the traffic volumes in cities across North America have dropped dramatically. 

Although many people expect that emptier roads translate to safer driving environments, the data suggests that is not the case. 

Statistics show that our roads have become more deadly since the beginning of the pandemic. In the United States, the fatality rate per mile driven went up by 14% compared to the same period last year. For commercial fleets, the mileage driven by commercial vehicles has declined by 20% since the pandemic; however, the amount of miles driven over the posted speed limit has increased by 17%, and the harsh cornering event has also increased by 15%

A psychological belief called a false sense of security might explain why we see a surprise growth of careless and reckless driving behaviours during the pandemic. We will also explore options and solutions to crack down dangerous driving behaviours and enhance overall fleet operation safety.


Why Do We See an Increase In Dangerous Driving Behaviours?

If something gives you a false sense of security, it makes you believe that you are safe when you are not. That’s exactly what happened to roads during the pandemic. The emptier roads and reduced traffic prompted drivers to feel safer, resulting in increasing speeding and reckless driving activities. Drivers also carried the view that there will be fewer pedestrians and cyclists on the roads during the pandemic, so they believed that cars would get more road space, leading them to commit dangerous driving behaviours, such as failing to stop at stop signs. 


Psychological Impact

The pandemic could be stressful, as it can cause fear, panic, anxiety in many people. This often leads to increased alcohol and drug consumption, contributing to increased aggressive driving behaviours on the roads. Commercial fleet drivers often experienced greater stress because of the increasing workloads caused by the growth of cargo transport and delivery activities during the pandemic. 

Many businesses are operating a reduced fleet because of drivers’ absences due to isolation and sickness. That forces rest of the on-duty drivers to take additional tasks to cover the reduced workforces. Some might choose to commit dangerous behaviours such as speeding to finish all the tasks within business hours. The rise of risky behaviours during these times may put all road users in danger and lead to serious accidents resulting in injuries or deaths and unnecessary costs to businesses. 


Impact Of Distracted Driving 

Distracted driving has often been described as one of the biggest challenges for modern drivers. Almost 80% of road accidents have seen distracted driving as a contributing factor. Hands-free devices have become a popular tool among fleet drivers, as many believe it will reduce the risks of taking a call during driving. However, even drivers’ hands remain on the steering wheel while taking a call through hands-free devices, their mind and concentration might be distracted by talking. This creates a hidden risk and may negatively impact the drivers’ response time to an unexpected road situation. 


Impact Of Reduced Training

The reduced amount of face-to-face fleet safety training might be another reason why some drivers become less vigilant during driving. Routine safety training is an essential pillar of establishing and maintaining a strong and positive workplace safety culture. Many businesses and workplaces have decided to postpone or reduce these kinds of face-to-face safety training programs due to the growing concerns of virus transmission during personal interactions. Lack of road safety education sessions during the pandemic has let drivers guard down, and some chose to carry out aggressive driving behaviours on the roads. 


Deadly Consequences Of Careless Driving

Dangerous driving and failing to obey road signs put the safety of all road users at risk. It could lead to severe consequences, such as fatal accidents and unintentional injuries. Drivers and businesses might face huge fines, penalties, or lawsuits if they are involved in road accidents and collisions. Depending on the severity of the accidents, drivers might be charged for dangerous driving and received license suspensions and a criminal record. Businesses might also bear unnecessary costs and expenses in recovering assets damage, paying for additional maintenance costs, suffering increased insurance premiums. 

The social costs and damages made to brand reputation are two factors that often are neglected when evaluating the cost of a road accident. Any injuries or deaths resulting from the road accident place additional expenses and burdens on the local healthcare system, transportation networks, and legal system. 

For individuals, loss of life and life quality, loss of output due to temporary incapacitation should also be quantified in monetary values when calculating accidents’ costs. Accidents could also severely harm the brand’s reputation in the industry and have a long-term adverse impact on the businesses’ operations, revenues, and financial stability. Businesses need a spotless fleet safety record to win customers’ trust and differentiate themselves – so maintaining a high fleet safety standard is a “must” for fleets of any size. 


Technologies That Can Make A Difference In Fleet Safety Management

The rising level of careless driving behaviours among fleet drivers during the pandemic has raised the alarm for fleet managers and safety managers. A growing number of fleet managers are eyeing telematics solutions to safeguard the fleet’s operations. Telematics solutions offer a complete safety package utilizing various technologies, including sensing, tracking, and recording technologies, to provide preventive measures that protect workers and assets safety. 


Driver Distraction Cameras: Keep Your Drivers Focused 

Driver distraction cameras have become very useful and cost-effective telematics tools adopted by businesses to crack down distracted driving among drivers. These cameras utilizes artificial intelligence and facial recognition technology to detect if drivers have been distracted. By tracking and analyzing drivers’ eyes, face, mouth, and head movement, the system can tell whether drivers’ attention remains focused on the road. An audible alert will be sent out to warn drivers if it notices any forms of distracted driving. The alert will also trigger the video camera recording, so fleet managers can later review footage and learn what happened on the roads. 

Not only can driver distraction cameras address distracted driving, the device also helps to detect driver fatigue. When the camera detects that the driver’s eyes blink too slow or their head starts to lower down, it will trigger an audible alert to warn drivers. The camera works in all kinds of complex environments, including dark settings, offering ultimate protection to drivers, no matter day or night. The hassle-free device installation process means that fleet managers can immediately see a reduction in driving distraction after the implementation. 


Online Scoring and Training Platforms: Powerful Data Collection and Performance Monitoring With All The Information You Need

To further quantify drivers’ performance and give fleet managers a better overview of drivers’ driving behaviours, online scoring and training platforms like ZenduLearn and ZenScore are leveraged. ZenduLearn is an online training solution which allows for digital training classes to be assigned to drivers, ensuring that social distance requirements are kept. 

ZenScore is a highly interactive dashboard and driver scoring system that offers a comprehensive and highly customizable overview of the fleet’s status, performance, and safety. One of the top features is giving fleet managers the ability to assess drivers’ performance and driving behaviours. Even allowing managers to assign new courses to improve skills by also leveraging ZenduLearn. ZenScore is used by giving every driver a safety score based on their previous trip performance. Through evaluating these scores, fleet managers can quickly identify high-risk drivers that often commit dangerous driving behaviours, such as harsh braking, speeding, hard acceleration, and hard cornering. 

Fleet managers or safety managers can then develop appropriate training sessions to coach these high-risk drivers and correct their driving habits. Fleet managers can also reward drivers who receive a high safety score and create safety driving contests to motivate the rest of the drivers to develop and practice good driving habits. 


360 Telematics Integration Designed For Safety

You might now be wondering how we generate these drivers’ safety scores. These scores are calculated based on several important metrics measured by other vehicles onboard sensors and tracking devices. The Geotab GO9 is a next-generation fleet tracking device that can detect speeding and HOS (Hours of Service) violations. The high connectivity of telematics products enables the system to record a speeding or violations, which will then be automatically synchronized and reflected on the ZenScore dashboard. The seamless integration and connection between telematics devices powered by IoT (Internet of Things) have made all these things possible at the backstage automatically with no additional human work needed. 

At GoFleet, we offered a complete fleet safety package that is highly customizable to fit your businesses’ core needs and give you the information you value the most. Road safety should not be overlooked on any occasion. Though the pandemic has created great uncertainty for any business operations, fleet managers and drivers should continue to remain on high alert and practice the highest safety standard across the operations. 

A false sense of security can undermine the entire fleet’s safety and other road users’ safety. Investing in an extra layer of safety protection could significantly elevate your fleet’s overall safety standards and protect drivers and your valuable assets. Telematics is the leading solution that could transform and digitalize safety management at businesses and fleets of any size. Contact us to speak with an industry-specific consultant who knows exactly how to customize telematic solutions to elevate your fleet’s safety record.

Dangerous Driving

Why Now Is The Time For Your Businesses To Embrace Vision Zero

Vision Zero is a bold move that intended to eliminate traffic-related fatalities and severe injuries and improve the safety of streets for users of all transport modes through a data-driven smart approach. Municipalities and cities across the world have accepted the challenge of working towards this ambitious target. The government took the initiative of improving road safety to protect motorists and pedestrians, with business and private fleet managers being adhering to strict safety protocols.

Poor management and supervision could result in drivers committing dangerous driving behaviours. This jeopardizes everyone’s safety on the roads and increases businesses’ risks to spend unnecessary costs to resolve incidents. As a result, companies and fleet managers face increasing stress and pressure on improving fleet safety and enforcing fleet safety policies. By using the right telematics products and tools, businesses can help build a sound fleet safety system, reduce operating costs, and foster a positive safety culture within the companies. 


Why You Should Get on Board With The Idea Of Vision Zero?

In 2018, Canada recorded 1,922 motor vehicle fatalities and 9,494 serious injuries. Vision Zero declares the idea of “no loss of life is acceptable” on our streets and roads. Companies bare huge financial risks if one of their vehicles get involved in traffic accidents, especially when a fatality or severe injury occurs. 

Hefty fines, monetary compensations, insurance bills, and vehicle maintenance bills drastically undercut the bottom line and effect operational and financial stability of businesses. To mitigate financial losses resulting from road incidents, a small investment in telematics solutions could help bolster businesses in the long term from multiple fronts. 

Establishing good and trackable fleet safety records not only prepares businesses for possible safety inspections, it ensures they meet regulatory compliance. By having good safety records, businesses are in a better position to win future customers and gain valuable industry partners. Demonstrating clear and well-organized fleet safety records to prospective customers strengthen a companies’ case that is highly reliable and pays attention-to-detail. This is especially crucial in transporting high-value, fragile, time-sensitive, or temperature-controlled shipments.

The Vision Zero initiative put a much-needed focus on using data to identify safety risks and power solutions. In preparing your businesses for the future, a smart data-driven cloud database is a must-have to manage all your fleet data, historical trips, and safety information. 

A cloud database has the capability of storing all vehicle movement data, recording footage, and maintenance history – which can be easily assessed and reviewed from anywhere. Adopting cloud-based technology and data management system eliminates the need to spend extra costs managing multiple different transportation and asset management systems. 

The completed and integrated data management solutions also remove the hassle of printing paperwork and finding physical space to store all the paperwork. From a broader perspective, the data-driven approach contributes to constructing an open-data platform that supports the Smart City initiative. Without any additional work, the data collected from your fleet activities help shape a safer community for all without compromising your data safety and privacy. Telematics solutions and technologies are the only possible way to power all these activities with minimal resources required.


How To Make Easy Commitment To Telematics Safety Products?

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many industries have taken a huge hit both in operations and finance perspectives. Businesses and companies are becoming more vigilant and careful in monitoring companies’ expenditures. Businesses and fleet managers may hold doubts as to whether it’s necessary to invest in telematics safety solutions. 

There are concerns about whether there are enough improvements to justify investing in telematics. Rest assured that we know and understand your concerns deeply, and we have an incredibly talented and knowledgeable team that will help you find out which solutions suit your fleet the best. 

Our personalized consulting service will help you identify the safety risks hidden in your fleet operations, create an individualized plan to mitigate risks, offer diverse financing options, and provide you full support in device installation, training, maintenance, and customer support stages. 

We know the best way for you to fully understand our products and solutions is to give you the opportunities to see them for yourself. That’s why you have the chance to test our devices and solution within a small size of your fleet. We offer a variety of tools to help you monitor, measure, and quantify performance and improvement. From there, you can fully evaluate the products and make informed and data-driven decisions that suit your business needs. 

The government is offering a variety of financial incentives, funding and subsidies programs to promote Vision Zero. They are committed to giving confidence and assurances in making smart decisions for everyone in our community. 


Monitoring Your Fleet

We do not only offer one product but offer an integrated safety solution package that can be customized to your liking and needs. Many roadway incidents were caused by vehicles’ skidding and hydroplaning which had low tire pressure. 

Advanced tire pressure sensors provide accurate, reliable real-time monitoring of tire pressures and temperatures. It will send drivers and fleet managers visual and audible alerts if the system detects dangerously low-pressure situations. 

The system is well-integrated with the Geotab platform and other GoFleet products to provide an integrated fleet management solution to businesses. With full visibility to tire health, auto-generated long-term tire performance reports, maintenance reminders and warnings, the system will help reduce maintenance costs, extend tire life and, most importantly, protect your drivers and other road users. 


Eliminating Distracted Driving And Driver Fatigue

In Ontario, deaths from collisions caused by distracted driving have doubled since 2000. Distracted driving will not only put everyone in danger but also costs your business money and reputation. Many business owners and fleet managers faced the difficulties of tracking and monitoring drivers’ driving behaviours during their shifts. 

The driver distraction camera serves as a perfect solution to protect your fleet from distracted driving. It features facial recognition technology that can detect when the drivers are distracted or if they are tired. An audible alarm will sound to alert drivers and trigger video recording, so fleet managers can always check back footages later to educate and improve the driver’s training program. Being an effective tool in combating distracted driving and driver fatigue, the driver distraction camera is easy and quick to install and implement, which means businesses can instantly see a noticeable fleet safety improvement. 



Protecting Drivers and Your Assets From Collision 

Even the most well-trained drivers could sometimes make mistakes in daily driving, and that’s why it’s necessary to invest in technologies that can make a big difference at the most critical moment. Mobileye is an integrated advanced collision avoidance system that can protect drivers if a threat is detected. The system will provide a visual and audible warning seconds prior to the collision. Providing drivers with more reaction time can dramatically reduce crashes and improve fleet safety record. The device uses sensing technology to recognize vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists around the vehicles, and it’s often called the driver’s “third eye.” 

Forward Collision Warnings

The lane detection system warns drivers when they are drifting out of their lane or getting too close to nearby vehicles. Most impressively, the system works on any occasion, both day and night, and even during the fierce winter in Canada. After installation, customers will expect to see a significant improvement in driver’s driving behaviours and safety culture in the fleet. Businesses will see a decrease in collisions and accidents, which saves businesses from paying hefty fines, compensations, and insurance premiums. 


Encouraging Safe Driving Habits

In addition to providing immediate safety protection to the drivers, focusing on the long-term safety improvement within the fleet is equally essential. ZenScore is an interactive driver scoring system that puts quantifying measurement on driver’s performance and driving behaviours. It records unsafe driving habits performed by drivers and assigns a score to each driver. 

Fleet managers could use the results to incentivize drivers with good driving habits and coach high-risk drivers with additional training. Through rewarding drivers with good driving habits, businesses can encourage other drivers to follow good driving habits and improve employees’ morale. An overall positive safety culture within the fleet could help your workers stay safe, improve fuel usage efficiency, and reduce vehicle idling time. 

Businesses can’t afford to overlook safety as any fleet safety incidents could cause serious disruption to business operations and weaken businesses’ financial situations. Safety should always be the top priority, regardless of fleet size and industries. 

If you are looking for a little guidance or help on improving your fleet safety records and heading to the Vision Zero target, contact us today! With our industry-leading solutions and knowledgeable expert team, we are confident in taking your business to a safer and smarter future!

car crash

R2V Communication Increasing Vehicle Safety While Decreasing Accident Costs

Fleets around the world are researching how they can improve their operations. Recently, responder-to-vehicle (R2V) communication technology has been seen as a tool that can improve safety and visibility. In fact, many government fleets are looking at how R2V communication and telematics data can decrease accident costs by reducing the chance of civilian and first responder vehicle accidents by upwards of 90%


Using Telematics And R2V Communication To Boost Safety 

Responder-to-vehicle communication, or otherwise known as R2V communication, is a new technology that allows for first responder vehicles to communicate with other vehicles on the road. Emergency responders and other roadway fleets leverage this technology to drastically reduce collisions between civilian vehicles and first responders. Approximately 31,600 accidents involving fire vehicles and approximately 6,500 accidents involving ambulances were reported in the United States yearly between 2000-2009. Government fleets believe that brighter lights and louder sirens are no longer as effective as they once thought. Rather, new advancing technologies are proving themselves to be extremely useful. Specifically for warning civilian vehicles of the location of emergency responders to reduce collisions by boosting driver alertness and rerouting traffic. 



HAAS Alert Leveraging R2V Communication 

To successfully deploy digital alerting efforts, HAAS Alert leverages cellular-based data within their digital alerting service Safety Cloud®. By knowing when emergency vehicle lights are ‘on’ or ‘off’, as well as the real-time location of vehicles, Safety Cloud is able to send notifications to users within a specific geographic area or proximity. So, when a first responder vehicle or amber fleet vehicle is moving with their lights ‘on’ or are on scene with their lights ‘on’, the service will automatically relay that information it to nearby approaching drivers. HAAS Alert automatically hides emergency vehicle locations if their lights are ‘off’ while they are stationed at vehicle headquarters (such as a fire hall, police station or hospital) or are conducting system checks by toggling their visibility and setting them as blacklisted. When this information is recorded and known, the data can be provided to the public to increase overall safety and response times. 


Digital Alerting With Telematics Data 

As mentioned previously, when telematics data about emergency vehicles and roadway fleets is collected, it can then be distributed to the public via smartphone apps or car dashboards. Waze for example is a GPS routing application that HAAS Alert has partnered with to help provide this information to the public to help increase safety and reduce collisions. By integrating with Waze, HAAS Alert can send alerts and notifications from their Safety Cloud to users of the app when they are in the geofence zone of a first responding vehicle or if they are travelling on the same route of an emergency vehicle. Meaning, not only can drivers redirect attention to the road to reduce the chance of a collision immediately, but civilian drivers can also be directed to take alternative routes. When this telematics data is public and is provided to drivers, civilians are more aware of the presence of emergency vehicles and are even directed to take alternative routes. Resulting in not only fewer resources being used by first responders (for example idling in traffic), but for faster arrivals and for fewer roadside accidents to occur. 


The ROI Of R2V Technology 

It may be clear on how R2V communication technology is beneficial for keeping drivers safe, but it’s important to also highlight the financial benefits that arise when using R2V technology like HAAS Alert’s Safety Cloud. When using technology like Safety Cloud, government fleets can expect to see not only fewer costs associated with driving incidents but improved tracking of their efforts. Firstly, with more attention directed to the real-time movement of first responding vehicles, civilian drivers are less likely to be involved in an accident with them. Meaning, there is almost an instant ROI as stopping even one accident from happening can save thousands of dollars in insurance fees, medical bills, and vehicle repairs. HAAS Alert also provides advanced reporting features through internal dashboards. So not only do fleet managers visually see all of their vehicles (whether they are responding to a scene or are stationed and waiting), but they can pull up historical reports to review arrival times, drivers alerted, time spent on-scene and more. 

When fleets need to move quickly and safely, innovative technology that focuses on connectivity and data sharing can’t be overlooked. If you’re interested in learning more about R2V communication technology and Safety Clouds that government fleets are using to their advantage, contact us today. Our consultants can provide you with detailed information about your industry and how telematics tools can help boost safety and even improve costs across the board. 


A Strategy To Reduce Fleet Collisions

When businesses require a fleet of vehicles to move their products from one location to another, it’s critical that they are focusing on promoting safety while on the road. When they are not doing this, sometimes drivers can accidentally drive in dangerous ways. Putting everyone on the road around them at risk. With technology improving to boost safety and reduce fleet collisions, managers and business operators must use it to their advantage.


Where The Concern Comes From 


Any vehicle accident is concerning. However, when a commercial motor vehicle is involved, sometimes the outcome of the incident can be much worse. As the size of the vehicles and the cargo carried are factors into making the collision worse for all parties involved, it sheds light on why commercial trucking is considered to be in the top 10 most deadliest jobs. In fact, in 2017, FMCSA reported that there were approximately 450,000 police-reported crashes involving large trucks. 


With the most common fatal accidents being transportation incidents, managers and drivers themselves can’t be forgoing certain precautions to reduce the risk of collisions and accidents. Below we list various ways fleet employees at every level can do their part to reduce fleet collisions. These tips must remain top of mind as by 2030, it is predicted that road crashes will be the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. 


Commitment From Management 


Firstly, in order to reduce fleet collisions, there must be a specific level of commitment from management in regards to maintaining safety. This means that management must continually put the right enforcement in place. This can vary from strict policy to the adoption of new technological solutions, and everything in-between – all of which we touch upon later in this article.  


How Managers Can Reduce Fleet Collisions In Their Fleet


Enforcing Strict Policy


Strict policy enforcement by management is critical to lowering the risk of collisions in fleets. As fleet drivers represent a business, they must act responsibly and abide by company policy at all times. This includes when commercial vehicle drivers are behind the wheel of a company vehicle as they travel to a new work site or when they are delivering cargo. Such policies should look to reduce any risky behaviour like; distracted driving, driving under the influence (regardless of if the substance is legal), driving tired, or even driving over the set hours-of-service (HOS) in your country. 


While some of these policies could be hard to enforce and rely largely on trusting your drivers, it’s important to know that there are technological solutions available to help you! When monitoring the behaviour of your drivers, there are innovative dash camera solutions available that use facial recognition to watch facial movements as well as the vehicle movement on the road. So when a driver appears to be distracted, under the influence (swaying over the line), or even tired, managers can be notified to make contact with the driver to ensure they are okay to drive. As well, many ELD and GPS tracking tools like the GO9 device are designed to track not only driver movement, but compliance to HOS. So drivers are well aware whether they are compliant.


Pre-Trip Inspection And Proper Maintenance 


In addition to enforcing strict policies, managers must also reiterate the importance of keeping company vehicles in tip-top condition. This includes not only educating drivers on how to perform proper pre-trip inspections of vehicles, but scheduling maintenance so all commercial motor vehicle parts are in good condition, are working properly, and are safe to use. Doing this can lower the risk of a collision (that is caused by malfunctioning or broken parts). Such inspections should look at visually checking the engine, checking fluid levels, the wheels, the brakes, and more. A more extensive list about what should be checked can be found here



If a vehicle is placed on the road when there is a pending problem that requires repairs, it places the driver and others around the vehicle at risk. One way to combat the issue of poor maintenance is to use a maintenance management software solution. Solutions like Zendu Maintenance monitors not only the activity of the vehicle but it places the data in algorithms to determine and schedule when preventative maintenance should happen.



Proper Incident Investigations And Training 


As briefly mentioned, to reduce fleet collisions, managers must not only offer the right training, but complete proper investigations into driving incidents when they are reported. This includes using all of the available data and reports to determine what the cause of the incident was and put efforts in place to reduce the likelihood of a similar incident happening again.


For example, if an incident occurred because your driver was distracted and speeding while on the road, you can review dashcam footage as well as engine data to confirm the speed they were travelling at, as well how they were distracted (whether they were looking at scenery or even a mobile device). After this is confirmed, the information can allow for a new training module to be created and assigned to the driver to complete. This ensures that they are aware of how their behaviour puts themselves and others around them at risk, while showing how they can act more safely. 


Encouraging Safe Driving Habits


Similar to the above tip of management conducting proper investigations into driving incidents and implementing new driver-focused training, management must also encourage overall safe driving habits! This means constantly having drivers review training material surrounding this topic, sending out internal communication with tips or even conducting one-on-one driver driving to highlight poor driving trends that are happening. 


Some safe driving habits that can reduce fleet collisions are: 

  • Following distance while driving
  • Maintaining visibility 
  • Anticipating turns 
  • Keeping attention forward



Tech Adoption Via Telematics


The last way management can reduce fleet collisions is to adopt and embrace new technologies. This not only speaks to hardware solutions that have been designed to boost safety (such as dash camera solutions or electronic logging devices) but telematics software solutions as well! While some newer commercial motor vehicles are being fitted with such innovative tools while at the factory through OEM (original equipment manufacturer) programs, it can still happen for fleets with older vehicles. There are now a number of simple-to-install plug-and-play style devices that can have software solutions integrated via satellite connectivity. Such hardware and software can automatically collect data about the trip route and driver behaviour so management can always know how their drivers are performing. So when an incident happens and management is alerted by the telematics solution, they can quickly and efficiently address it. Not to mention, there are innovative devices that can be installed within vehicles to monitor the road ahead, alerting the driver if the sensors detect a possible collision coming. 


Safety should always be a top priority in fleets regardless of their size or purpose. Whether the driver is transporting large amounts of cargo or the driver is a technician who is travelling to their next site visit, you can’t risk them behaving dangerously on the road. With the above tips management should have the right insight to begin to reduce fleet collisions. However, if you’re looking for a little more guidance in how you can increase safety in your fleet to reduce accidents and dangerous behaviour, contact us today! With our experience and knowledge of nearly every industry, we’re confident that we can address all of your safety concerns with cutting edge technology. 

Technology to Prevent & Stop Distracted Driving

Imagine this.


You’re having a great morning. You’ve just left the house after enjoying some coffee and you’re on your way to get some groceries. While you’re on the road, you pass by another car and you notice the person inside is looking down at their phone.


Now I’m sure this situation has been observed multiple times by people who regularly drive. But this is more than just a regular occurrence and texting while driving should be taken more seriously. Sure, you could look down at a text for a second and nothing might happen. But there is a chance that your act of looking away from the road for a few seconds could end in disaster.


Worst case scenario?

Check out this short video on how a distracted driver changed lives forever by having two eyes on his cell phone instead of the road ahead.



According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving was linked to 3,450 deaths in 2016, making up 9.2% of all motor vehicle-related fatalities. So what can you do? Well, if you have a fleet you might want to look into some distracted driving solutions. GoFleet, for example, offers two solutions currently – their Driver Distraction Camera and their FleetGuardian.

The FleetGuardian Solution

FleetGuardian is for the driver who needs to stay connected and the company that is serious about safety. It’s basically a tamper-proof safety box for drivers to store their phone in while they are busy driving while allowing for Bluetooth connectivity for easy hands – free communication.


It connects to a GO7 tracking device through the IOX port and can track if the drivers haven’t placed the phone inside the box when the car is moving. This is a great feature that allows you to monitor if your drivers are using the boxes and if not, you can correct the issue.


Another plus to the FleetGuardian, is how easy it is to set up, since its just hardware (a box with a cable). Other solutions like apps, take some time to configure.

Technology for Distracted Driving

Driver Distraction Camera

Technology for Distracted Driving


Driver Distraction Camera you say? Yes, it’s real, and it is almost ready for the public to use. The ZenduCAM Driver Distraction Camera is the world’s most advanced fatigue detection and driver distraction alert camera. The camera features facial recognition technology which detects when the driver is distracted (this includes alerts when the driver is texting, eating, micro-sleeping, holding a phone, yawning, and more). This amazing advancement even works in the night time due to twelve infrared LEDs. It also sounds audible alerts when it detects any distraction.



I know, crazy…


With so many options to help prevent distracted driving, I recommend investing in a solution that is right for you and your business. Whether that means a preventative solution, or protective solution – any way to keep the roads safer is always a good bet.




Check out our other blog on Distracted Driving!


What’s Considered as Distracted Driving?