5 Solutions to Texting and Driving

...rules and exceptions. Drivers need to know what will be allowed and disallowed. For example, some companies allow hands-free Bluetooth while other companies do not. Explaining what will happen if...

Reporting Seatbelt Data: Not as Easy as Buckling Your Seatbelt

...being updated to account for new seatbelt information and the different ways seatbelt can behave in vehicles.   Original Article Written by: Paul Ciolek, Junior Systems Developer at Geotab http://www.geotab.com/blog/reporting-seatbelt-data-not-easy-buckling-seatbelt/...

5 Questions that Tow Truck GPS Trackers Answer

...Towing companies often face these type of questions. For these companies, their industry is ultra competitive. Business is won by providing the best and fastest service. Just how competitive is...

Are You Under the Grandfather Clause? Let Us Migrate You!

...important to remember that when it comes to choosing the best ELD for commercial vehicles, not all ELDs comply with the Canadian ELD mandate. The regulations outlined in the Canada...

Better Time Management For Fleet Managers

...and complex. With a GPS tracking system for fleet management, fleet managers can easily access the web based software from any computer or mobile device with an internet connection to...

Using Fleet Management Solutions to Reduce Road Accidents

...of all sizes. The efficiency of fleet operations is deeply intertwined with the safety of the vehicles and their drivers. As the lifeblood of commerce and community services, fleets are...

Who Says Hours-of-Service Compliance Has to be Difficult?

Hours-of-Service Made Easy With Our HOS Compliance Solution Almost everyone in today’s society seems to have a smartphone or tablet device. In fact, a new study by the PEW Research...

Ensuring Your Fleet’s Future with Comprehensive Insurance

...an incident. Common coverage gaps include: Non-Owned Vehicle Coverage: This covers vehicles not owned by the company but used for business purposes. For example, a company employee using their personal...

How to Use Our Fleet Management Software for Dispatch

...of miles driven. For more details about dispatching and zone creation, please refer to Geotab’s Product Guide.   Original Article By: Dominic Loong, Technical Services Engineer at Geotab http://www.geotab.com/blog/use-mygeotab-dispatch/  ...

January 2016 Software and Firmware Updates from Geotab

...Trailer and Default Vehicle templates are compliant with U.S. DVIR regulations and Schedule 1, 2, and 3 are compliant with Canadian DVIR requirements. To add a template, go to the...