GPS Tracking Devices for Construction Equipment

...then call for help. This process offsets safety risks from inexperienced workers. Complex Projects A lot of construction companies are struggling to keep up with complex projects. Accenture reports that...

3 Slick Marketing Ideas Using GPS Fleet Monitoring

...telematics to make a new product. Some insurers, however, are finding success by creating “premium pricing” plans with telematics. Here’s how the idea works. First, insurance companies install tracking...

Real Time GPS Fleet Tracking

Real Time Fleet Tracking
...Fleet Management Reports Reports containing such information can also be downloaded to better understand the data or used for important decision making. For instance, mangers can obtain reports of fuel...

Vehicle GPS Tracking Systems Are The Complete Solution For Delivery Companies

Vehicle GPS Tracking Systems Are The Complete Solution For Delivery Companies GoFleet has vehicle GPS tracking systems that are designed for delivery companies. They provide a complete end-to-end solution that...

Competing With E-Commerce Delivery Giants stay competitive with e-commerce delivery giants. One thing that businesses must do to stay competitive is to utilize telematics solutions to their advantage.   ASAP E-Commerce Delivery: The New...

Why Now Is The Time For Your Businesses To Embrace Vision Zero

Dangerous Driving future customers and gain valuable industry partners. Demonstrating clear and well-organized fleet safety records to prospective customers strengthen a companies’ case that is highly reliable and pays attention-to-detail. This...

Best Practices for Rolling Out Large Fleets

...can be a great way to keep track of of the planned versus actual progress for both the rollout and training. Check out the following example: Follow-Up About a week...

Playbook: How to Improve Workload with GPS Trackers

...example, some companies have in-vehicle tablets and display routes on those tablets. As a result of these two steps, managers can squeeze more jobs out of a day. Increasing Driver...

Can Dash Cams Lower Insurance Rates?

...had a similar history, so the business owners expected to pay similar premiums. However, to the surprise of both owners, one of the companies was paying significantly less on their...

How Route Optimization Can Save Time and Money

...notion of finding the shortest path between locations. It involves a comprehensive approach to planning the most efficient and cost-effective routes for vehicles to take, considering multiple factors and constraints....