Now Scheduled: CVSA’s International Roadcheck

On August 10, 2020, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) announced that their International Roadcheck is rescheduled. The new date announced was September 9 – 11, 2020. Since this date is quickly approaching, it is critical for all commercial vehicles on the road to reassess and ensure compliance with federal regulations.   

As many fleets are just beginning to return to near normal productivity or are just returning to the road after pausing work after the COVID-19 pandemic, compliance must remain a priority.


What Is The CVSA’s International Roadcheck

The International Roadcheck is a thorough inspection of commercial vehicles on the road. These inspections are conducted over a 72-hour high-volume period and enforcement is conducted by inspectors in Canada, Mexico and the U.S. Inspections will be conducted in a variety of settings – in mobile patrols, at fixed locations and weight, or at inspection stations.


What Will Be Checked? 

In Canada, law enforcement personnel will conduct motor vehicle and driver inspections. They will leverage standard out-of-service criteria in North America, the National Safe Code and other provincial or territorial regulations to note violations to vehicle or driver compliance.

In the U.S. inspections will use Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations in addition to rules and regulations that are applicable to the commercial motor vehicle sector.

Similarly, in Mexico inspections will review regulations and standards set by the Mexican government. 

It is important to note that inspections will review driver and vehicle compliance. For more information review this note released by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance:


How To Prepare: 

While this is not a complete list, here are some important reminders for drivers to have easily accessible while on the road: 

  •         Have ELD documentation ready with a proper understanding of how to display it 
  •         Ensure there are blank paper logs available within the vehicle (it is recommended to have at least eight days worth)
  •         Have any and all malfunctions properly notes 
  •         Ensure unassigned driving time is annotated or claimed 
  •         Wear seat belts 
  •         Remain professional with inspectors
  •         Keep vehicles clean and tidy 

Drivers should also have their driver’s license, skill performance evaluation certificate, medical examiners certificate, driver’s record of duty status, as well as any other supporting documentation that may be relevant.

Looking for more information on how to keep your fleet compliance to strict industry standards? Contact us today – we’re trained and experienced in finding effective solutions to target nearly any need. 

Managing A Fleet During A Crisis: Where To Start

As the world changes, businesses must react quickly in order to remain profitable. While this may be assumed, many still question how this should be done, especially within the commercial transportation sector. Below we discuss how in times of crisis, business owners must take extra precautions when managing a fleet during a crisis as regulations, demands and technologies are all changing. 


What To Do When Managing A Fleet During A Crisis


1. Follow The News As Regulations May Change


During times of crisis or uncertainty, it is not uncommon for officials to adjust regulations and rules that businesses follow. Typically this is to help organizations stay afloat if they are struggling or sometimes this is done to help better support the public. When speaking about current events, this tip of following the news for changing regulations and route information is extremely relevant for fleet managers who want to properly manage their team. 


During the recent and ongoing COVID-19 crisis, new regulations relating to HOS limits were announced as a way to help provide communities with more supplies. Specifically allowing drivers to operate commercial transportation vehicles even if they are over the previous hours of service limits. If fleet managers were unaware of this change, they would be unable to either cater to changing demands from customers regarding frequency of delivery (as depleted supplies will force businesses to place more strenuous orders), or provide adequate time off for drivers between routes. Both are troublesome for the well being of fleets.  


2. Follow Up-To-Date Information About Routes


On the topic of news about routes, information regarding a new 511 website and on-route screening was made available. The new 511 website was made available by officials so drivers could have better information about rest-stops, while information regarding possible on-route screen protocols were made available so drivers could anticipate possible delays. Both being critical for drivers to know about as it can affect their deliveries.


Source: 511 Alerts


When discussing the 511 website, it’s important for managers to update their drivers about this information as having access to this website can allow drivers to better understand where they can stop during routes and what is available at each stop. Without this knowledge, drivers can be left confused about where they are expected to rest with new COVID-related closures, or which stop will fit their needs. This is critical knowledge to share to drivers from managers because when a stop does not have adequate parking or resources, drivers will need to drive a detour route to find somewhere to rest. 


When discussing news related to on-route screening protocol, it’s important that drivers understand how their routes may be impacted. Specifically, whether there could be additional waits related to health screening. This additional screening would be for the purpose of ensuring that drivers are healthy enough to complete deliveries by officials and even receivers. In addition to notifying drivers of possible screening protocols, fleet managers can help to alleviate possible wait times by implementing symptom monitoring apps like the GoFleet Health Check App. This screening app works by having drivers input not only their temperature, but whether they are showing any possible symptoms of illness. Ensuring that there is proper documentation of the health of a driver. 


While managing a fleet during a crisis like the coronavirus pandemic, managers must be aware of possible impacts to drivers. Not only does this include changing regulations, but changing news and updates about route information. 


3. Review Current Technology And Tools


Being aware of your industry as a whole is only part of the process while fine-tuning your management tactics during a crisis. Fleet managers must also review their current operations and the technology they are leveraging. Doing so is crucial to ensuring that their team is working seamlessly and efficiently with no (sometimes hidden) losses. In order to do this, managers are suggested to perform a complete audit of their organization – the audit would be on everything from the software or solutions that are used to the protocols that employees follow. Such audits would focus on reviewing employee tasks in relation to the effectiveness of the tools used. Doing this will help ensure that your business is running like a well oiled machine with minimal hidden issues. While conducting an audit, watch for the following;

  • Keep an eye out for whether a tool or solution only has one limiting purpose or function,
  • Whether tools or solutions are unable to sync or integrate with other systems, 
  • Or, if current solutions are pulling incomplete data. 


For example, a dispatching system that only allows for the dispatching of drivers may be limiting if you also find yourself using supplementary tools to optimize routes, communicate with drivers or even send forms. As there are new solutions available like ZenduWork, all of these features can in fact be combined into one solution for one price. While managing a fleet during a crisis, having everything available in one location can make tasks and reporting so much easier and even reduce the chance of human error. 



While this review is performed, it’s not uncommon for fleet managers to find that they are in fact overloading their organization with unwarranted solutions. Sometimes when looking at the effectiveness of a tool and the utilization of it, managers may find that they are overspending on multiple solutions when single tools can complete the tasks of many. Remember, cutting down on unnecessary solutions and moving forward with all-in-one solutions can help your bottom line not only when speaking about how much the business is spending, but how much the business is improving in regards to productivity and efficiency. 

4. Research What Tools Can Help While Managing A Fleet During A Crisis  


After you take a look at your current tools and solutions, it’s important for managers to take a moment to see how else they can improve their fleet. Specifically by researching what additional resources can help them during this time and what their competition is using. Sometimes, during this audit process, fleets discover that they have new issues that they must address immediately if they want to remain successful during uncertain times. Some common issues that may come up are the following:

  • Poor driver performance as there is an increase in fines, complaints, fuel use or vehicle wear and tear
  • Discrepancies in paperwork, data and reports as documents are missing or incomplete 
  • Lack of streamlining as processes do not flow together 
  • Incomplete training resulting in improper processes 
  • Lack of communication 


Understanding exactly where any issues are can help fleets see where they need to direct attention if they want to move their team forward. For example, when speaking to driver performance, fleet managers may be made aware of an issue as drivers are continuously receiving penalties, fines or complaints in addition to requiring more maintenance and fuel fill ups. Finding these issues and bringing them to a solutions provider can help fleets find the right product to solve it. In this case, proper driver training through solutions like ZenduLearn would be useful to implement. As the solution would focus on using driving data and unique training modules to improve driving behaviours, events like speeding, harsh braking, acceleration and idling can be expected to happen less frequently. In fact once implemented, fleets can see drastic changes in skill, and even lowered costs associated with poor driving behaviour. 















If you’re interested to learn more about what solutions may help when managing a fleet during a crisis, contact us today. When it comes to addressing the issues mentioned above, we have solutions that focus on boosting efficiency, productivity and success! 

ELD’s – How to Choose the Right Solution

Currently the transportation sector is undergoing major changes as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) are creating regulations to better the transportation industry. The main topic of discussion is the new regulation which encourages being ELD compliant. This mandate looks to enforce the use of Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) in commercial vehicles. While ELD systems are already enforced throughout the United States, Canada is following suit by enforcing the widespread compliance of such electronic logbooks.

With the deadline to become ELD compliant quickly approaching, it’s important for drivers and fleet managers to review whether or not they actually are compliant, and if they’re not, to begin to take the right steps to obtaining an electronic logging device. 


Temporary Compliance Under The Grandfather Clause 


Even though commercial fleets within the United States are already required to meet ELD compliance, Canadian fleets will soon be under similar regulation. At the moment, electronic logging devices are not mandatory for all vehicles if the vehicle was using an AOBRD (Automatic On-Board Recording Device) prior to December 18, 2017. If an AOBRD was used prior, the drivers will not be forced to implement ELDs until the mandatory start date of June 12, 2021. However, if no AOBRDs were put into use before December 18, 2017, carriers and drivers will be required to use ELDs as of December 16, 2019. 


While there are additional specifications to this regulation depending on the daily use or age of the vehicle, it is always recommended that fleets perform additional research to ensure that they are compliant.


Not ELD Compliant? Under The Grandfather Clause? – What You Should Do 


If you’re part of the many who are noticing that your fleet will not be compliant come December 16th, or June 2021, it’s critical that you begin to take the right steps to becoming compliant. Or in other words, look for a solutions provider. However, depending on your business, there will be different features that you should pay attention to when investing in an ELD. Specific qualities will not only allow you to stay ELD compliant, but improve your business overall. 


Key Factors In Considering How to Choose an ELD Solution 


Vehicle Flexibility 

When researching electronic logging devices, it’s important to confirm that the device you’re investing in will work in any type of vehicle. Ensuring that an ELD can be used in nearly any commercial vehicle guarantees that your business can grow and that the device can continue to be used. Ensuring that you will be complaint in the future and that the technology is well worth the money you are spending. 

Simple Installation And Use 

When you’re adopting new technology, it’s critical that the tools you’re implementing are easy to use or install. Devices that are focused on user experience mean that your fleet will embrace it rather than dread it. As well, when a new tool is easy to use, you’re more likely to see positive results from it as there are no excuses to not use it. 


While researching a product, it can sometimes be hard to not be discouraged by the price. However, when it comes to ELDs, you’re investing in the future of your business. Meaning, you aren’t only spending money to better your fleet, but often, the solutions will help you save money in the long run! 


With technology advancing, it seems as though everything can and should be synced to smartphones. With that mindset and the ability for many solutions providers to do this, it’s critical to confirm that your ELD is mobile-friendly. Ensuring that your solution has smartphone connectivity will make it simple to use and easy to implement. 

Consistently Evolving 

In addition to ensuring that an electronic logging device can be used on any vehicle, it’s also important to confirm that the device is agile. Purchasing an ELD that is continually evolving will guarantee that no matter how regulations or business goals change, it will be a worthwhile investment.  

Leverage The Cloud

Using an ELD that is cloud-based will only benefit you as a fleet driver, owner, or manager as data can be accessed from anywhere. No longer will you need to wait for drivers to provide you with paper documents or wait until you’re provided access to files, everything can be obtained through the cloud. While remote access to data is a major advantage of using cloud-based ELDs, there are additional benefits;

  • Increased reliability as data is continuously backed up and stored, 
  • More reliability as there is no pairing process required,
  • Better battery life as power consumption can be reduced,
  • Better compatibility to various platforms such as Android and iOS, 
  • Easy document access so showing compliance is simple, 
  • And consistent coverage regardless of cellular coverage. 


It is critical that you are unlimited with the data you’re gathering from ELDs. With this said, expandability (or having unfiltered access to data) is a focus that many are unaware of until they need it! Being able to easily share data to third-party vendors or being able to use integrations through third-party solutions is a feature that needs to be highlighted as it can help make fleet management much easier! 

Customer Service 

When you’re using any service or buying any product, it’s important to do business with a company who aims to achieve positive customer interactions every time. If you forgo doing business with a customer-focused organization, you may run into problems in the future. With this being said, while you’re researching your next ELD, let us know. We always strive to ensure that our customers are happy not only with the solution they’re investing in, but the experience they’re having!

GoFleet Promo Offer Free Go Device and Harness with ELD SolutionWith the deadline to be ELD compliant quickly approaching, be sure to take advantage of our GoFleet Promotion that can save you hundreds today! 




Thank you Robin Kinsey, HOS/ELD Training Specialist for the valuable insight via Geotab.