maintenance tracking, cmms, Computer Maintenance Management Systems, fleet

How CMMS Stands Up Against Old Fashion Maintenance Tracking Methods

How CMMS Stands Up Against Old Fashion Maintenance Tracking Methods

Fleets are trying to gain more profits and they try to do so by all means, especially when it comes to increasing efficiency. But efficiency is also impacted by the level of proper maintenance taking place. If improper maintenance takes place, efficiency is reduced and costs increase.

Even though improper maintenance only has negative impacts, why do fleets not ensure proper maintenance takes place? It is because having a proper maintenance procedure requires a great amount of effort and with human errors happening, several mistakes occur making it impractical. 

However, with technology evolving, there are software and solutions that are able to automate this whole process, so fleets can easily keep up with the work while being assured that there are no mistakes. 

Pen and Paper vs Computer Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) – The Showdown

Proper maintenance leads to less downtime, resulting in lower costs, better labour efficiency, reduced backlog and greater asset reliability. Switching from pen and paper to maintenance software is one way to achieve these benefits. But taking a deep dive into comparing both methods will give fleets a better look at what steps they should take moving forward.


1. Filling Work Orders 

With pen and paper, a technician, operator or manager fills out a paperwork order form by hand, whether it’s for preventive maintenance or an unplanned breakdown. The work order is then delivered to the technician in an emergency. If a work order comes from outside the maintenance team, they use the software’s work request portal to submit a request and it then gets forwarded to the maintenance team via the CMMS. 

With a maintenance software in place, work orders for unplanned repairs are done remotely through mobile CMMS software. In cases of preventive maintenance, work orders are triggered automatically through maintenance software. Using CMMS, the time taken to create work orders and submitting them is reduced and it helps to set mandatory fields on work request forms to prevent any back and forth in clarifying the request. By reducing the process by 5-10 minutes for each work order, the fleet can gain hundreds of hours of extra production every year. 


2. Assigning Work Orders

With outdated tracking methods, either the technician needs to be found if the work order is an emergency or the technician regularly checks the office, sorts through work orders and figures out which ones to prioritize.

With maintenance software, technicians are assigned work orders and alerted to their duties through their mobile devices. Technicians can see which work orders are outstanding, their priority levels and their status. Clearly with a digital platform, there is less time between work orders being submitted and a technician being alerted. Being able to see the status of a work order also allows technicians to check or repair assets that are most important to production. 


3. Finding Data For The Work Order

With non-digital reporting, technicians make several visits to the asset, stock room, office and colleagues to assess the task, check the availability of parts, access manuals and discuss the asset’s repair history. They can then lay out a strategy for working on the asset. 

With maintenance software, the technician can review the work order, work history, root cause analysis and standard failure codes of the asset through the mobile interface. Using the available data, the technician then lays out a strategy for working on the asset. Multiple trips around the facility, missing parts and lengthy searches for information could add up to hours of extra downtime, if not days, without using maintenance software. Such a solution groups all asset information in one, remote accessible place. 


4. Working On The Work Order

With pen and paper, the technician troubleshoots the problem using information from manuals, standard operating procedure (SOPs), conversations with colleagues and/or memory. The technician can complete PMs from memory or from a written checklist. They then visit the office again to sign off on the work order. 

With maintenance software, the technician repairs the problem using root cause analysis, standard failure codes and/or corresponding checklists and manuals, all accessible through the digital platform. Predictive maintenance is completed using predetermined checklists. The work order is then signed and closed in the software and the users are notified. CMMS clearly wins when it comes to addressing unplanned downtime. It gives technicians a much clearer path to a solution than pen and paper troubleshooting and results in less downtime.


5. Work Order Aftermath

When CMMS is overlooking for maintenance tracking, predictive maintenance tasks are put into a paper calendar based on a review of SOPs, production schedules and going through past schedules and asset history to determine how often equipment should be maintained. 

With maintenance software, reports are created based on asset history and SOPs. This data is then used to determine preventive maintenance triggers, which are then added to the software’s calendar. Production schedules are also added to the calendar, and this gives maintenance software a clear advantage over pen and paper methods. 

CMMS Software – Why ZenduMaintenance Should Be Considered

With all the benefits that come with a CMMS solution, fleets who haven’t already implemented a solution to address maintenance procedures should start looking into. A CMMS solution to start looking at is ZenduMaintenance or otherwise referred to as ZenduMA. ZenduMA makes maintenance management easy and lowers repair costs. 

Using ZenduMA helps reduce equipment failure by reducing downtime and increasing equipment availability to boost production, quality, safety and cost efficiency. It also boosts productivity by managing all the workers more effectively and helps fleets in rapidly finding parts, tools and information they need to save time and get the job done right the first time. 

This CMMS solution provides technicians with detailed work instructions created from standard job lists. It manages suppliers and requests quotes quickly and easily. It also manages all the MRO inventory with the ability to quickly add missing technical data, pricing and supplier information to assets and supplies records. 

ZenduMaintenance will help fleets follow the best practices in maintenance, improve performance in organizations and save money by solving problems before they get worse. With tools to help recognize failure codes and track part and vehicle inventory, ZenduMA will streamline a fleet’s entire maintenance process. 

Pen and paper methods have become an old school method and there are several better alternatives to it that raise standards in efficiency and productivity such as CMMS software. Fleets need to start moving forward with the changes in technology as it will help them in the long run and keep them competitive. To learn more about how your fleet can start making use of ZenduMA, contact us now.

preventative maintenance, repair, vehicle, upkeep, gofleet

Addressing Vehicle Lifespan: A Preventive Maintenance Guide For Fleets

Addressing Vehicle Lifespan – A Preventive Maintenance Guide

With rising populations, technologies and more, fleets are taking their game to the next level to meet never-ending demands. Fleets are taking this opportunity and starting to look at improving their fleet in every way that will result in short term or instant benefits. However, this rush of improving businesses makes it easy to look over the solutions and practices that help fleets in the long run, specifically preventive maintenance.

Missing out on preventive maintenance will result in major problems in the long run. All the small checks and fixes that take place in a preventive maintenance check keep the vehicle in tip top condition and actually improves the overall lifespan of the vehicle. Avoiding preventive maintenance will negatively affect the vehicle’s lifespan, and here are some of the common maintenance practices that would cause issues if neglected.

    • Neglecting Regular Cleaning

One would think that a car’s appearance does not affect its operation and life. Dirt, dust and grime can bring about wear and tear on your vehicle fast. Keeping your vehicles clean allows you to make the right assessment on the condition of your vehicle. This way, you can quickly spot damages to the interior or exterior of the vehicle and repair them promptly.

Prolonged intervals of cleaning can harden dirt and require more abrasive cleaning, which can damage the paint. In many cases, it can even cause rust formation.

    • Avoiding Inspection

Just like humans routinely visit the doctor to remain healthy, vehicles also need to be inspected regularly. At least once in 4 to 6 months, a qualified car mechanic should thoroughly inspect the vehicle. The inspection covers various aspects, including the condition of the car parts and is typically done at a service center. Furthermore, the vehicle’s oil, fluid levels and tire pressure should be personally checked by the fleet every few weeks. 

    • Ignoring Symptoms

It is not usual to hear rattles or squeaks when driving. Although they may sound like minor issues, they could also indicate something serious, and it would be best to get it checked out at an auto repair shop. The earlier a problem is detected, the easier and cheaper is its solution. Ignoring warning lights on the vehicle’s dashboard or the engine lights can prove to be lethal. Car maintenance involves many steps and light indicators will help to point problems out.  

    • Neglecting Wear And Tear

Automakers build cars to last many years. Time and normal usage, however, will take their toll on a vehicle. A worn part can affect several other components, so a fleet has to be keen on which parts need immediate attention. For instance, worn-out threads on your tires can strain the suspension system of your vehicle and other elements involved in braking. Promptly addressing this issue can prevent major problems from occurring. 

Common preventive maintenance tasks for trucks and fleets must be customized to fit the individual vehicle and its usage pattern. Preventative maintenance checklists allow fleet managers to schedule maintenance tasks in advance. Strong preventative maintenance programs ensure teams complete work orders without spending extra time, labor and money.

Preventative maintenance is essential for any fleet company to succeed. 


Example Story

It’s 9:45 am on Wednesday and one of the drivers calls saying his vehicle has been making a loud, squealing noise recently and now he’s on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck. He calls again 90 minutes later with news that the technician at the go-to maintenance shop is fully booked but will try to squeeze his vehicle in, but as time passes, it’s not looked at until 3 pm.

By 4 pm, the problems found include a damaged alternator because of a busted driver belt. The costs totaled $700 for the tow truck and repair, along with an entire day of deliveries postponed while the driver sat at the shop. 

In this scenario, many parts of this situation could have been avoided. To begin with, the driver could have alerted the fleet about the squealing noise. As a result, the damaged drive belt could have been fixed for $75 when the oil was changed with other scheduled preventive maintenance and the alternator would not have needed to be replaced.


The Average Vehicle Lifespan

Back in the day, the average age for class 4-8 vehicles was 12.5 years in 2007 and now it stands near 14.7 years. The subset of class 6 vehicles is averaging 20.9 years, which takes the highest position amongst vehicles. Whereas the average class 5 is just 11.9 years, which takes the youngest position amongst vehicles. This information is important to keep in mind for fleets who have several vehicles because they need to be ready to expect when a vehicle will break down. However, it would be much easier for a fleet to continue their operations if they have a maintenance system to rely on. 


ZenduMA – Keeping Preventive Maintenance In Check

Diagnostics and maintenance management has the power to make and break jobs because fleet managers are measured on their fleet’s productivity. Downtime increases business costs and if left unchecked, can cost a fleet manager their job. This is why solutions like ZenduMA can be beneficial for fleet management. It generates work orders automatically when a vehicle fault or regularly scheduled maintenance is detected. This saves money and reduces downtime. 

With day-to-day data entry to long term trend analysis, ZenduMA delivers powerful functionality without compromising on a simple UI. Companies around the globe use ZenduMA to control maintenance costs, proactively avoid vehicle breakdowns, vastly extend asset life span, increase vehicles availability and most importantly improve the safety of their fleets.

Preventive truck maintenance can be the difference between replacing a $10 part in your shop and paying hundreds more to tow a broken-down tractor to another shop to pay someone else to replace the same part. Preventive maintenance can save fleets money thanks to technology advances that let you know of potential problems before they become costly problems. Capitalizing on volumes of data, predictive maintenance algorithms keep tractors and trailers rolling smoothly between regularly scheduled shop visits and avoid pending part and system failures.

With so much on the line, it’s important for fleets to always keep preventative maintenance top of mind. Choosing to ignore the continuous upkeep of your vehicles could cost you more financially in the long run not only in terms of repairs, but productivity if breakdowns halt work. Contact our team today to learn how you can easily implement a maintenance strategy and why ZenduMaintenance can help.

fleet maintenance, repair, vehicle ,truck, breakdown, cmms

Don’t Let Poor Fleet Maintenance Slow Down Your Businesses

Keeping your fleet in good shape all-year-round can help you maximize productivity and avoid unexpected vehicle breakdowns or service delays. Meaning vehicle maintenance is an essential branch of fleet management. 

The core idea of a maintenance program is identifying and addressing “small problems” through routine inspections and repairs before they turn into big ones. Preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance are some of the most common maintenance practices adopted by most businesses, but we want to elevate the existing maintenance strategy to a whole new level. Doing this will deliver a superior and streamlined experience to fleet maintenance teams. 


Why Do Businesses Need To Step Up On Fleet Maintenance Management?

Failing to run a proper fleet maintenance program could be fatal to vehicle based businesses. Poor maintenance could lead to frequent vehicle breakdowns, safety concerns, service disruptions, and poor customer satisfaction. Unreliable service could discourage your valuable customers and clients from engaging with your business again in the future. 

You don’t want to lose a big deal or valuable partners because of trying to save a little on fleet maintenance. That’s why it’s more important than ever to invest in a reliable and intelligent Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) to protect the corporations’ long-term viability and financial sustainability.


Improve Vehicle Uptime

Downtime can be crippling to businesses, with costs quickly adding up the longer a vehicle is off the road. Even a single vehicle that goes out of service can have an immeasurable impact on the entire fleet operations. Fleet managers have to redistribute tasks and mobilize additional human or asset resources to recover productivity losses. Therefore, it’s necessary to create a comprehensive maintenance plan for the fleet to ensure vehicles remain operational and stay on the road as long as possible. 

An unexpected vehicle breakdown could also delay shipments and services. Customer delivery may be delayed, and important deadlines may be missed. Time-sensitive, temperature-sensitive, and perishable goods are also at higher risk of quality degradation, leading to customers rejecting the load. It will be a major loss for the business, and it will disappoint customers who didn’t get their shipment in time. If this situation happens often, customers might lose trust and confidence in businesses, and they may switch to other service couriers. 

Businesses cannot afford to experience frequent vehicle breakdowns or lengthy vehicle downtime. That’s why businesses need to adopt preventive maintenance strategies to reduce the likelihood of equipment failures. CMMS is a reliable maintenance tool supporting the monitoring and tracking of vehicle health status and reminding technicians to conduct routine part inspections periodically. Only through frequent inspections and proactive monitoring can the technicians identify the faulty units early and address the issues before it happens. 


Reduce Operational And Maintenance Costs 

Fleet managers might be hesitant about the initial investment cost of the CMMS. They might be unsure or uncertain whether the investment can be justified. But if you look at the fact that many small problems can quickly grow into more serious and costly maintenance issues if the problem isn’t detected and addressed early, you might want to rethink your decisions. 

Additionally, just consider how much additional money businesses need to pay if a small vehicle malfunction, such as a flat tire, leads to collisions and roadway accidents. It will not only threaten employees’ and drivers’ health and safety but also result in companies paying huge fines, insurance premiums, or legal issues. As the winter season is fast approaching, it is now more important than ever to ensure vehicles are in the best shape all the time to embrace harsh weather conditions. 

Adopting a CMMS can help businesses save money in multiple aspects of the operations, both directly and indirectly. For example, oil changes are among the most important vehicle maintenance routines that every driver or technician must perform. Most vehicles need an oil change every 3,000 to 5,000 miles to keep the engine running efficiently at peak performance and remove particles and sludges accumulated in the filter and tube. However, it will be quite difficult for humans to keep track of the oil change routines and intervals for all the fleet vehicles, especially if the fleet size is relatively large. This is where the CMMS system truly shines as it accurately logs each vehicle’s mileage since the last oil change and reminds maintenance technicians when it’s the time to conduct the oil change. Routine changes and getting the right kinds of oil can improve vehicles’ gas mileage by 1-2%. That doesn’t sound like much of an improvement, but if your businesses own a large fleet, every small saving will accumulate and become quite significant over a long period. 


Enhance Drivers’ Safety And Improve Drivers’ And Customers’ Satisfaction

Drivers’ safety is at the centre of everything we do. Vehicle malfunctions such as flat tires and faulty brakes could lead to serious consequences threatening drivers and other road users’ safety. Most businesses are unaware of an accident’s true costs as they only prepare for the direct costs of an accident. Some of the most common hidden costs include loss of labours, downtime of injured workers, maintenance costs for the damaged assets, cost of hiring and training a replacement worker, cost of any fines related to the accidents, and many more. These hidden costs can add up quickly and become a huge financial burden for any business. However, if the business owns a CMMS that can alert fleet managers about the vehicle issues beforehand, all those extra spendings can be avoided. 

Poorly maintained vehicles will also affect drivers’ morale and productivity. Drivers will be offended if the vehicle assigned to them is not properly maintained because it will create hindrances in their work. There is nothing more frustrating than a vehicle unexpectedly breaking down during a route and drivers are forced to wait for roadside assistance. This could result in a significant disruption to the service workflow, as it will delay the onboard shipment, and customers might not receive the deliveries in time.


Unique Advantages Of The CMMS

By implementing CMMS, businesses can achieve higher efficiency and control over the assets. The highlight of the CMMS is bringing a high level of automation and digitalization to the entire maintenance process. From wirelessly capturing data from vehicles’ onboard sensors to automatically creating and assigning work orders when issues have been recorded, CMMS is the ultimate tool in designing a well-managed preventive maintenance program. 

An intelligent dashboard helps fleet managers utilize assets more efficiently and easily schedule planned maintenance. It can also streamline the entire vehicle parts and components purchasing procedures, as the system can track parts inventory and help you directly order parts to replace faulty units right within the dashboard. 

The smart calendar feature displays all the maintenance events and progress in a simple and intuitive user interface, so fleet managers can stay on top of all the maintenance events and not miss any critical alerts. The best feature of the CMMS is that the system can generate over 100 types of highly customizable maintenance reports detailing all the fleet and maintenance data. This is especially useful and valuable to the fleet manager as they can gain real-world insights into fleet performance, identify risk factors, and take appropriate actions to mitigate risks. This could also simplify the company’s internal reporting procedures as the management team could also access these maintenance reports and assess the fleet’s overall status. To provide even more flexibility to businesses, the CMMS is compatible with a wide range of third-party Application Programming Interface (API), allowing users to customize the system to fit their needs.

To conclude, dedicated fleet maintenance software is an essential piece of equipment for any businesses that are looking to improve fleet efficiency and make real cost savings over the long run. If your business wants to get on board and is looking for innovative ideas and solutions that can bring your fleet operations to the next level, work with one of our industry-specific specialists to see how we can create a maintenance software system like ZenduMaintenance personalized just for your business.