What is a CMMS System?
What is a CMMS System?
We are very excited to have formed a partnership with Maintenance Assistant to bring our customers the best in CMMS Systems. But what does CMMS stand for? CMMS stands for Computerized Maintenance Management System. A CMMS is computer software that assists your maintenance team in keeping records of all assets they are responsible for, schedule and track all maintenance tasks and keep a record of work that has been performed.
What CMMS is used for:
- Tracking Work Orders:
Maintenance managers can easily select the equipment in need of repair, assign a technician to the job and describe the problem. Once the machine is fixed, the technician responsible marks the word-order as “complete” and the manager will be notified that the work is done. - Scheduling Tasks:
CMMS systems are excellent tools when it comes to scheduling recurring work and sending reminders to the correct people. Organized maintenance will not only help ensure no tasks are forgotten to keep your vehicles in top shape, but it will also even out the workload for a maintenance team. - Recording All Asset History
The older the machine, the longer the history of repairs. When problems arise it is useful to see how this problem was solved in the past. In CMMS systems whenever a repair is performed they are recorded in the machine’s history log and can be viewed again in the future by the maintenance team. This will help the team save time in the future should the same problem happen again. - Managing Inventory:
Maintenance workers are responsible for storing and managing a large inventory. This can including anything from spare parts to everyday supplies like grease and oil. CMMS systems allow the maintenance team to see how many items are in storage and what has been used in repairs to determine whether new supplies need to be ordered. Inventory management can help save the company quite a bit of money because you can pre-plan purchases in order to shop around for the best price instead of paying anything when you need it last minute.
If you would like more information on Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS Systems) contact us!